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2nd Session of China-US Global Issues Forum Held in Beijing
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China and the US Thursday agreed that as major stakeholders and constructive partners, the two nations can and should work together on many issues at global, regional and bilateral levels.


During the two-day second session of the China-US Global Issues Forum in Beijing, Chinese and US officials discussed the two nations' activities around the world and the potential to cooperate globally on the following issues: energy security and clean energy, public health, humanitarian assistance, trafficking in persons, environmental conservation and sustainable development, and aid program and international development cooperation.


The two sides agreed that China and the US can and should work together on the above issues and other issues on the basis of seeking common ground while recognizing and reducing differences and promoting cooperation.


Assistant Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai and US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky led interagency delegations to attend the meeting, with the participation of relevant bureaus and offices of Chinese Foreign Ministry and US Department of State, as well as other Chinese and US agencies.


In the area of energy security and clean energy, the two sides expressed their concern on the negative impact of soaring oil price on the world economy.


To address this problem, they discussed a range of global issues such as international clean energy cooperation and initiatives relating to cleaner and more efficient use of existing fuels; development of new energy technology; and collaborating to improve access to cleaner and modern energy in poorer regions of the world.


In the session dealing with environmental protection and natural resource conservation, the discussion focused on ways to work together to pursue sustainable development by stemming the illegal trade in wildlife and timber, combating climate change and air pollution through the development of advanced technology and clean energy, and pursuing solutions to water pollution. The discussion also explored ways to cooperate in the Commission on Sustainable Development, and also discussed the newly-formed Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking.


The humanitarian assistance and international development segments concentrated on tools, resources, challenges, experiences in dealing with humanitarian crisis, UN reform and aid financing mechanisms, aid effectiveness, managing results, the governance structure for international development cooperation, as well as possible areas for collaboration.


The session on trafficking-in-persons, focused on ways to combat this transnational criminal activity, particularly through cooperation in regional and multilateral forums. The importance of protection for trafficking victims, prosecution of the traffickers, and prevention campaigns was also highlighted.


Discussion of public health issues included experiences with avian flu and malaria; international cooperation to enhance surveillance, prevention, and control of infectious diseases; and policy and technical tools to combat outbreaks of disease.


The two governments agreed to continue their dialogue on these and other issues to review progress and determine future activities.


The first session of the forum was held in 2005 in Washington. The objective of the forum is to strengthen current cooperation between China and the US on global issues and to explore new avenues of joint work on a global basis.


(Xinhua News Agency August 11, 2006)

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