On a visit to the Beijing office of the Save the Children China Program on August 21, Princess Anne, chairman of Save the Children UK, talked to staff members about the organization's work in China and listened to a report on emergency relief projects in areas affected by the Sichuan earthquake.
Princess Anne expressed her thanks to the governmental partners of Save the Children for their support, and spoke highly of the organization's work in China. Escorted by Wyndham James, director of the Save the Children China Program, she visited the Beijing office and spoke individually with each staff member.
Princess Anne (left) talks to (from left to right): Zhang Meifang, director of the Security Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guo Jian'an, director-general of the Department of the Judicial Assistance and Foreign Affairs in the Ministry of Justice, Zhao Lin'na, director of the Department of the Judicial Assistance and Foreign Affairs in the Ministry of Justice. |
During her visit to China, Princess Annie first attended the opening ceremony of Save the Children Hong Kong, and held talks with officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs about cooperation in the field of child welfare. She also attended the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony as a representative of the British Royal Family.
Since the late 1980s, Save the Children UK has been promoting projects such as community development and education in China. In 1995, the office of Save the Children China Program was moved from Hong Kong to Kunming, and the Beijing office was set up in 1999. As an international children's organization, Save the Children aims to help disadvantaged children in a number of ways.
Immediately after the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan Province, Save the Children deployed an emergency team to the disaster area to carry out relief work. Since then, more than 50,000 children have been assisted, and over 20 local staff members are carrying out a comprehensive two-year child relief project, focusing on child protection, health, and education.
Introduction to Save the Children China Program
Save the Children is an international charity organization, which fights for children's rights and seeks the best solutions for children who suffer from poverty, diseases, injustice and the threat of violence. There are 28 national Save the Children organizations working in more than 110 countries.
As a member of the International Save the Children Alliance, Save the Children UK set up the Save the Children China Program. As China's largest organization focusing on children's rights, the Program pays particular attention to helping disadvantaged children. Save the Children China works in the fields of education, child protection and health, and cooperates with local governments and citizens to help the poorest and remotest communities. It works in more than 20 provinces, cities and autonomous districts across China.
(China.org.cn by Wang Wei, August 22, 2008)