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US navy ship arrives in China for int'l fleet review
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US navy missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald arrived in Qingdao on Sunday afternoon to attend an international fleet review on April 23 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy.

The 6,800-tonne USS Fitzgerald, a Japan-based destroyer from the 7th Fleet, arrived at the port city Qingdao in east China's Shandong Province at 3:30 p.m..

Previously, landing vessel "Garcia D'avila" of the Brazilian Navy, carrying a total of 49 soldiers and officers, arrived here at 10:00 a.m..

Sailing ship ARM Cuauhtemoc of the Mexican Navy, destroyer "Badr" and supply ship "Nasr" of the Pakistan Navy arrived on Saturday evening. They were the first three among a total of 20 foreign naval vessels from 14 countries scheduled to rendezvous here for the fleet review.

As the paramount part of the naval celebration, the visiting ships will observe a naval parade of about 20 Chinese warships and attend the international fleet review to be staged in the waters southeast of the city.

(Xinhua News Agency April 19, 2009)


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- Foreign ships arrive for 60th anniversary of Chinese PLA Navy
- Chinese PLA Navy to celebrate founding anniversary
- US commanders will attend PLA fleet review