The show is directed by Lambros Liavas, artistic director of the Greek National Opera, and choreographed by Artemis Ignation, who created the flame-lighting ceremony for the Beijing Olympics. It is a theatrical version of how the Olympic flame was lit at the Temple of Hera in Olympia.
"Traditional Greek music and Chinese music have much in common, for example they are all five-tone scales. I believe we can understand each other better and easier through music," says Liavas who is also a professor of musicology at the University of Athens, and the founder and director of the Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments.
The Greek National Theater's performance of classic Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound is one of the highlights of the 2008 Meet in Beijing Arts Festival.(Photo Source: China Daily)
In addition to the opening show, Greece will also bring the modern dance Medea, created by Dimitris Papaioannou, director of the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. The Greek National Theater will perform the classic Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound.
Aside from Greece, Russia and South Korea will each present a mini-festival within the Meet in Beijing Festival.
Russian highlights include the Russian Ballet Star Gala, a song and dance show performed by Russian Starlight Express and a concert by four-man band Na-Na X.