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US legislators warned away from China's internal affairs
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A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Tuesday warned two US congressmen against doing anything to "intervene in China's internal affairs and thus undermine China-US relations".

"We suggest they stop their arrogance and prejudice and never do anything to intervene in China's internal affairs and thus undermine China-US relations," Liu Jianchao said at a press conference.

Liu's remarks came in reply to a question about two US congressmen's accusation that Chinese authorities tried to block their meeting with Chinese "human rights activists".

Liu said the two congressmen were only invited to China as to have "internal discussions" with their US colleagues in the US embassy in Beijing.

"They should not conduct any acts beyond their visiting purpose as well as their capacity, and they should never try to do anything that might violate Chinese law and regulations," Liu said.

Liu said the congressmen's allegations "made no sense" and "extremely irresponsible".

(Xinhua News Agency July 2, 2008)

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