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China maintains international cooperation to tackle financial crisis
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China maintained that the international community should enhance cooperation to jointly cope with the world financial crisis, said Chinese Foreign Ministry Thursday.

Ministry spokesman Qin Gang made the remark at a news conference in Beijing.

"The international community should make consultation based on equality and intensify cooperation to tackle international financial crisis and safeguard global economic and financial stability," Qin said.

"China will keep contact and consultation with various parties on this issue," Qin said.

Responding to a reporter's question on the U.S. initiative of holding a summit to tackle the crisis, Qin said China pays highly attention to the initiative and is making active consideration on attending the summit.

U.S. President George W. Bush, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso released a joint statement on Oct. 18, calling for a summit to reform the global financial system to make it more resilient and ensure continued prosperity in the world.

Bush also expressed the will to bring together leaders from the world's richest nations and biggest emerging economies. United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon planned to join the summit, his press office said on Wednesday.

(Xinhua News Agency October 24, 2008)

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