The demonstrators had planned to march to Downing Street, but police closed down Whitehall and used heavy reinforcement to ensure the metal barrier they erected was not breached, and a few scuffles broke out as the protesters tried to breach the barrier as Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah had an informal dinner with Bush and his wife Laura, the BBC said in a report.
It is said that about 13 people were arrested during the clashes.
Andrew Burgin, a spokesman for the coalition, said, "We think Bush is a war criminal. Both Blair and Bush are responsible by duplicity and lying for an illegal invasion of Iraq."
According to the local media, a significant security operation was in place for Bush's visit and armed police and sniffer dogs were patrolling the airport and nearby roads while helicopters circled overhead.
The Metropolitan Police said they would have 1,000 officers on the streets of London during the tour to maintain order.

A protester carries a sign druing a demonstration as US President George W. Bush continued his two-day visit to London, in London, Sunday, June 15, 2008. (Xinhua Photo)
(Xinhua News Agency June 16, 2008)