Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao(R) shakes hands with Bill Gates, chairman of Bill & Gates Foundation during their talks on the sidelines of the a high-level UN meeting for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in New York, the United States, on September 25, 2008. [Xinhua]
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met in New York on Thursday with Bill Gates, chairman of Bill & Gates Foundation, to discuss issues concerning development and poverty alleviation.
During their talks on the sidelines of the a high-level UN meeting for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Wen expressed appreciation over Gates' long-term efforts for promoting settlement of issues concerning development.
The current turbulence in the international economic and financial situation, sharp increases in oil prices and food supply shortage have made things more difficult for poor countries, Wen said.
He added the high-level UN meeting for the MDGs has been held at the right time, and it is necessary for all the parties to seriously evaluate the implementation of the MDGs and to increase aid for poor countries.
Expressing admiration for the efforts that China has made in solving problems in development, Gates, Microsoft founder, said his foundation would like to enhance cooperation with China in launching programs for providing assistance for poor areas and for disease control and prevention in Africa.
(Xinhua News Agency September 27, 2008)