"The sanction measures are not targeted at the Iranian people and will not affect the normal economic and financial activities between Iran and other countries," Wang said.
"All the sanction measures are reversible," he said. "If Iran suspends uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities and complies with the relevant IAEA and Security Council resolutions, the sanctions will be suspended, and even terminated."

The United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution on Monday slapping stronger sanctions to press Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment activities.(Xinhua Photo)
Wang reiterated China's stance that sanctions can never resolve the Iranian nuclear issue fundamentally. "It can only serve as a means to promote reconciliation and negotiations."
"The best way to resolve the issue is still diplomatic negotiations," he said, "We call upon all parties concerned to adopt a highly responsible and constructive attitude, show necessary flexibility as appropriate, give full play to their initiative and creativity, and demonstrate determination and sincerity in resuming negotiations."