US President George W. Bush on Wednesday vetoed again a bill to
expand federally funded embryonic stem cell research, according to
US media reports.
This is the second time that Bush has used the veto pen for that
If the bill Bush vetoed would have become law, the White House
said it would have compelled taxpayers -- for the first time in US
history -- to support "the deliberate destruction of human
"The president does not believe it's appropriate to put an end
to human life for research purposes," White House press secretary
Tony Snow told to a news briefing. "That's a line he will not
"This is, certainly not an attempt to muzzle science," Snow
said. "It is an attempt, I think, to respect people's conscience on
such an issue."
The bill would have lifted rules set by Bush in 2001 making
federal funds available only for research on a small number of
embryonic stem cell lines which existed at that time.
A year ago, Bush used his first veto against a similar bill to
expand embryonic stem cell research championed by top scientists
and desired by most Americans. He explained that "this bill would
support the taking of innocent human life of the hope of finding
medical benefits for others."
However, stem cell research advocates say the technique shows
promise for the treatment of degenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.
Polls show as much as 66 percent public support for embryonic
stem cell research.
To blunt criticism, the White House said on Wednesday that Bush
is issuing an executive order directing the Health and Human
Services Department to promote research into cells that -- like
human embryonic stem cells -- also hold the potential of
regenerating into different types of cells that might be used to
battle disease.
(Xinhua News Agency June 21, 2007)