More Americans believed that presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama can better handle economic issue, the current top concern to American voters, according to a poll released on Thursday.
The poll conducted by CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation found that 50 percent of registered voters believe Obama, the Illinois Senator, would better handle the economy, while 44 percent prefer McCain in this regard.

Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama answers questions from the audience during a town hall meeting as he campaigns at Kaukauwa High School in Kaukauna, Wisconsin June 12, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
The result of the poll revealed a big challenge for McCain on his way to the White House since the economy has been proved by many previous local and national polls to be the No. 1 issue concerning American voters in the 2008 presidential elections.
Another CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released last week showed that 42 percent of voters said economy is their most pressing concern, only 21 percent named Iraq war, which is the second most important issue to American voters.