 The film production crew of The Founding of a Party, which commemorates the Communist Party of China's 90th anniversary, filmed in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia for a week, China News Service reported.
深圳新闻网报道,今天上午9点左右,深圳地铁一号线国贸站B出口附近一扶梯突然反转(由向上转为下行),造成多名乘客受伤。23人(包括一名孕妇)被送往医院救治, 大部分是腿伤和脚伤。
2010年科技趋势 iPad居首
据《微电脑世界》报道,Twitter日前发布年度趋势话题榜。在科技方面,苹果产品共占据四位,谷歌占有二席。十大科技趋势完全榜单为:1. 苹果iPad 2. 谷歌Android 3. 苹果iOS 4. 苹果iPhone 5.《使命召唤7:黑色行动》6. 新Twitter 7. 宏达电子 8. RockMelt 9. MacBook Air 10. 谷歌Instant。
Chinese film captures history in Moscow
The film production crew of The Founding of a Party, which commemorates the Communist Party of China's 90th anniversary, filmed in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia for a week, China News Service reported. The portion shot in Moscow relates to a visit by communist members Liu Shaoqi, Zhang Tailei and Qu Qiubai in June 1921 to attend the Third International Communist Conference, where Lenin made several speeches.
Court issues restraining order
Zhongshan First Court of Guangdong Province issued its first restraining order on Dec. 13, Xinhua News Agency reported. The female applicant is currently undergoing divorce proceedings due to alleged long-term domestic violence by her husband. The court ruled that for the next six months, her husband is forbidden to contact or harass her in any manner, which includes phone calls, letters or internet communications.
Errant escalator injuries 23
An escalator at exit B of Guomao station of the Shenzhen subway line 1 suddenly ran in the opposite direction (from up to down) at around 9 a.m. today, injuring many passengers, sznews.com reported. Twenty-three passengers, including one pregnant woman, were sent to the hospital, most of whom suffered injuries to their legs or feet.
Apple dominates Twitter 2010 list
Twitter ranked the year's trendiest topics into categories, PC World reported, and in the tech section, Apple garnered four spots while Google got two. The complete tech list: 1. Apple iPad 2. Google Android 3. Apple iOS 4. Apple iPhone 5. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. New Twitter 7. HTC 8. RockMelt 9. MacBook Air 10. Google Instant.
(China.org.cn December 16, 2010)
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