自1955年以来,日本自民党从来没有遭遇今年这样的困局。这个困境由国际金融危机、奥巴马和自民党自身共同营造,并使自民党半个多世纪来第一次成为日本政坛的弱势群体。 |
Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has not faced such a political crisis since 1955. The global financial crisis, the election of President Obama, and the party's own internal problems have combined to reduce the LDP to its weakest position for five decades. |
金融危机的爆发,使只能依赖出口导向的日本经济遭受重创,并迅速转化为日本公众中问责意识的蔓延,在竞选初始,自民党就背负原罪的包袱而处于下风。与此同时,在日本的政治母国美国,奥巴马以“改变”为口号,成功晋级白宫,这使得“改变”也成为日选民的主流心态,自民党长达54年的独领风骚后,日本选民“改变”的心态或许比美国选民更迫切。 |
The financial crisis hit Japan's export-oriented economy hard and intensified people's dissatisfaction with the LDP. From the outset of the election campaign the party found itself at a disadvantage. Political developments in Japan followed the recent US pattern. Obama's victory on the presidential race under the slogan of "change", made a deep impression on Japanese voters. After 54 years of LDP rule, Japanese voters were even more ready for change than their American counterparts. |
今年以来,派系政治和门阀政治屡遭炮击从一个侧面证明了日本选民的急迫。而在自民党内部,对于麻生内阁不信任感的累积最终导致内部争斗的公开化,但是,人们找不到力挽狂澜的合适人选,自民党进入了内部战国时期。一切迹象都表明,今年的日本大选是一场结局早已注定的政治秀。问题是,被选民寄予希望的民主党上台之后,日本及其周边的政治剧情将怎么向下演? |
Voters became thoroughly exasperated with factional politics just as the distrust of Prime Minister Taro Aso, and the failure to find a suitable successor, plunged the LDP into internal feuding. The result of the election therefore became a foregone conclusion. The question is – what will happen to Japan's relations with its neighbors under the new Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) government? |
我们必须看到,与其说民主党是因为已经具备了成熟的执政条件上台的,不如说是因为日本选民对自民党执政联盟失望而被推动上台的。如果说自民党面临的现实困局不是意外,是其源有自的结果,那么民主党的上台则多少是个意外。 |
The first thing to recognize is that it is voters' disappointment with the LDP rather than the DPJ's maturity that swept the new government into power. While the LDP's political difficulties are not accidental, the DPJ's capture of power was, to some extent, a matter of luck. |
在隐约而见的两党制度架构下,日本选民面临的是两选一的选项,不是A,就是B。事实上,从民主党强势代表人物小泽一郎的政治挫折就可看出,民主党自身并没有做好上台的充分准备。因此,即将摇身变为执政联盟主体的民主党,将在短暂的欢呼后很快面临以下挑战:一是没有足够的专业执政团队,二是没有成型长期的执政纲领,第三,或许最重要的是,对于在低迷中挣扎的日本经济和不可阻止的老龄化势头,民主党也无能为力。民主党很快就会面对民众的不耐烦心理。(中国网) |
Under the country's two-party system, Japanese voters had only two choices. The problems faced by former DPJ leader Ichiro Ozawa showed that the DPJ is not ready to rule the nation. After a honeymoon period, the DPJ will have to face up to the fact that it lacks both a professional administration team and a long-term political strategy. More importantly the DPJ has no remedies for Japan's sluggish economy or its aging society. The Japanese people will soon tire of the DPJ.
(China.org.cn translated by Zhang Ming'ai) |