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New war of the flea: CSR and labor activism in China (I)

By John Sexton
China.org.cn staff reporter

Dongguan's central business district shows off its bright lights. Dongguan, which has a population of 7 million and is 100 kilometers from Hong Kong, owes much of its prosperity to contract manufacturing for major brands and multinationals. [File photo]
Dongguan's central business district shows off its bright lights. Dongguan, which has a population of 7 million and is 100 kilometers from Hong Kong, owes much of its prosperity to contract manufacturing for major brands and multinationals. [File photo]

Production is at bottom of the food chain in the modern division of labor. Globalization allows multinationals to focus on product development and marketing while outsourcing the messy business of making things to contract manufacturers in the developing world. 在现代分工中,制造业位于“食物链”的最底端。全球化使得跨国公司得以专注于产品开发和市场拓展,而把产品制造这一环节外包给发展中国家。
Your Hewlett Packard computer may have been manufactured in the same factory as your friend's Fujitsu. Quite likely the factory is in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong and owned by a Taiwan, Hong Kong or South Korean company. The workers are probably recent migrants from the countryside and the majority will be women living in factory dormitories. 也许,你用的惠普电脑和你朋友的富士通笔记本都是由一家工厂生产的,而这家工厂很可能是一个台湾、香港或是韩国老板在中国南方的广东开设的。工人则可能刚刚离开农村来到这里,大部分是女工,她们住在工厂的宿舍。
Off-shoring is controversial. Unions in developed countries protest job losses and pressure groups accuse multinationals of exploiting third world workforces. Labor rights controversies have helped create a massive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) industry as companies answer critics of their ever more convoluted supply chains. 离岸生产存在争议。发达国家的工会组织认为这样导致了本国的失业,游说集团则指责跨国公司压榨第三世界的劳动力。跨国公司在回击外界批评他们的供应链日趋复杂的同时,也催生了一个庞大的企业社会责任产业。
Critics see CSR programs as window dressing – a subset of public relations and advertising. CSR practitioners on the other hand, are almost by definition masters of spin and presentation. It is difficult to find a balanced view. 批评者认为企业社会责任项目只是摆设而已,是公共关系和宣传的辅助工具。另一方面,企业社会责任从业者就定义而言几乎就是操纵语言和自我展示的大师。找到一个平衡的观点的确很难。
But a small but growing group of labor activists operating on China's mainland, some based in Hong Kong, have moved beyond criticism to action and are using CSR programs as a lever to improve working conditions and, increasingly, to raise workers' awareness of their rights. 然而,一个由劳动权益倡导者组成的小团体在中国大陆逐渐壮大,其中一些人来自香港。这个团体已经从口诛笔伐转向实际行动,把企业社会责任项目作为改善工作条件的施压手段和逐步提高劳动者权益意识的工具。
Jenny Chan of SACOM (Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior), a Hong Kong-based pressure group, is celebrating what she sees as a significant victory. Over the past year, two major contract manufacturers in the Guangdong city of Dongguan have invited radical Hong Kong-based NGOs to conduct innovative training courses on workers rights including coaching workers in how to raise grievances with management. Jenny Chan是一个来自香港的游说团体大学师生监察无良企业行动(SACOM)的成员。她为自己所取得的重大胜利感到由衷的高兴。在过去一年,东莞的两家大型代工工厂邀请激进的香港非政府组织开展劳动者权益培训,包括教育工人如何表达对管理的不满。
"This is a new worker-centered model of Corporate Social Responsibility, which involves joint monitoring of conditions in the workplace through empowerment of the workers themselves," says Chan. Chan说,这是一种新型的以工人为中心的企业社会责任模型,涵盖通过赋予工人权利来共同监督工作条件。
At Taiwan-owned Delta Electronics, the Hong Kong-based Labor Education and Service Network (LESN) provided labor rights training to more than 1,500 workers between March and June 2009. Each worker was given a booklet explaining China's labor laws and the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct – an international standard adhered to by many employers in the industry. 在一家叫Delta的台资电子公司,来自香港的劳动教育和服务网络(LESN)于今年3月至6月期间为1500多名工人提供劳动者权益培训。培训人员把一本小册子交到每名员工手里,里面阐释了中国劳动法,并介绍了为众多电子行业雇主所遵守的国际产业规范。

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