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Obama's speech at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
奥巴马在上海科技馆的演讲及与中国青年的对话 [视频/音频]

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers a speech at a dialogue with Chinese youth at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum during his four-day state visit to China, Nov. 16, 2009.[Ding Lin/Xinhua]

Q: (As translated.) Mr. President, good afternoon. I'm from Tongji University. I want to cite a saying from Confucius: "It is always good to have a friend coming from afar."  In Confucius books, there is a great saying which says that harmony is good, but also we uphold differences. China advocates a harmonious world. We know that the United States develops a culture that features diversity. I want to know, what will your government do to build a diversified world with different cultures? What would you do to respect the different cultures and histories of other countries? And what kinds of cooperation we can conduct in the future?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: This is an excellent point. The United States, one of our strengths is that we are a very diverse culture. We have people coming from all around the world. And so there's no one definition of what an American looks like. In my own family, I have a father who was from Kenya; I have a mother who was from Kansas, in the Midwest of the United States; my sister is half-Indonesian; she's married to a Chinese person from Canada. So when you see family gatherings in the Obama household, it looks like the United Nations. [奥巴马]我认为这是非常好的一点。美国的优势之一就是我们是一个非常多元化的文化,我们那有来自世界各地的人,因此,对于美国人长什么样,你确实不能一言以蔽之。比如像我家我父亲来自肯尼亚,我母亲来自中西部的堪萨斯州,我妹妹是半个印度尼西亚人,她又嫁了一位加拿大的华裔人。因此当你看到我们奥巴马全家聚会的时候我们就像联合国一样,什么人都有。

And that is a great strength of the United States, because it means that we learn from different cultures and different foods and different ideas, and that has made us a much more dynamic society.


Now, what is also true is that each country in this interconnected world has its own culture and its own history and its own traditions. And I think it's very important for the United States not to assume that what is good for us is automatically good for somebody else. And we have to have some modesty about our attitudes towards other countries.


I have to say, though, as I said in my opening remarks, that we do believe that there are certain fundamental principles that are common to all people, regardless of culture. So, for example, in the United Nations we are very active in trying to make sure that children all around the world are treated with certain basic rights -- that if children are being exploited, if there's forced labor for children, that despite the fact that that may have taken place in the past in many different countries, including the United States, that all countries of the world now should have developed to the point where we are treating children better than we did in the past. That's a universal value.

I believe, for example, the same thing holds true when it comes to the treatment of women. I had a very interesting discussion with the Mayor of Shanghai during lunch right before I came, and he informed me that in many professions now here in China, there are actually more women enrolled in college than there are men, and that they are doing very well. I think that is an excellent indicator of progress, because it turns out that if you look at development around the world, one of the best indicators of whether or not a country does well is how well it educates its girls and how it treats its women. And countries that are tapping into the talents and the energy of women and giving them educations typically do better economically than countries that don't. 我相信对妇女的问题上情况也是如此。我跟上海的韩市长在吃午餐的时候进行了很有趣的讨论,他跟我说现在有很多专业人士,在中国的专业人士中,比如在大学生中女生比男生还多,而且她们的表现非常的好。我认为这是一个取得进展的很好的、很小的指标,因为你看看世界各地的发展,一个国家是不是成就斐然的一个最好的指标就是他的教育以及妇女所受的教育。而那些能够发挥妇女的潜力的国家,那些做得好的国家他们得到好处就比那些不发挥妇女潜力的国家要大。
So, now, obviously different cultures may have different attitudes about the relationship between men and women, but I think it is the view of the United States that it is important for us to affirm the rights of women all around the world. And if we see certain societies in which women are oppressed, or they are not getting opportunities, or there is violence towards women, we will speak out. 当然,男女关系中不同的文化有不同的做法,不过我认为在美国,我们很重要的一点是要确认世界各地妇女的权利。当然,有些社会中妇女受到压迫,她们不能得到足够的机会,还有妇女受到暴力的影响等等,见到这些情况的时候我们都会直言不讳地提出来的。

Now, there may be some people who disagree with us, and we can have a dialogue about that. But we think it's important, nevertheless, to be true to our ideals and our values. And we -- and when we do so, though, we will always do so with the humility and understanding that we are not perfect and that we still have much progress to make. If you talk to women in America, they will tell you that there are still men who have a lot of old-fashioned ideas about the role of women in society. And so we don't claim that we have solved all these problems, but we do think that it's important for us to speak out on behalf of these universal ideals and these universal values.


Okay? All right. We're going to take a question from the Internet.


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