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UN to represent six billion

By Susan Tart
China.org.cn staff reporter

UN Commissioner General Dr. Awni Behnam
UN Commissioner General Dr. Awni Behnam


With a giant-sized replica of a baby towering 6.5 meters high to greet visitors as they enter the doors, Spain has the largest representation of new life at the Expo. The United Kingdom, stocking more than 60,000 seeds into transparent rods, has the largest representation of plant life. But it's the United Nations that has the largest representation of human lives. Six billion, to be exact. 如果说世博园内西班牙馆门前高达6.5米的巨大婴儿模型最大程度的代表了新生命;英国馆由6万根蕴含植物种子的透明亚克力杆组成的巨型“种子殿堂”代表了植物;那么联合国馆则最大程度的代表了全人类,准确地说是60亿人。
UN Commissioner General Dr. Awni Behnam believes the World Expo's theme of "Better City, Better Life" couldn't summarize the work of the UN better. 2010年上海世博会联合国展区总代表阿瓦尼·贝楠认为本届世博会的主题“城市,让生活更美好”完美地概括了联合国的工作。
"Ultimately, what the UN does, whether it's in development, in peace keeping, in humanitarian law, is aimed at one single issue – ensure that people are happy," Behnam said. 贝楠说:“联合国在发展、维和、国际人道法等方面所作的一切努力,最终目的都只有一个,那就是让人类幸福地生活。”
As most of the world's population now lives in cities, he says much of the UN's work revolves around the issues presented at the Expo. 贝楠表示,目前世界上绝大多数的人口都居住在城市中,因此,许多联合国工作所围绕的中心问题都将在本届世博会上有所体现。
"How can you have better life if you cannot cater for that life to be better? If you don't build cities that are resilient? If you don't build cities that can cater for the security, economic welfare and creativity of people?" “如果我们的城市不够弹性化,并且忽略人们对安全、经济福利及创造力的需求,我们的生活怎么可能变得更好。”贝楠说。
The UN is taking advantage of the Expo to bring people together and create cultural dialogues. Many world-renown poets, architects and scholars have been invited to speak about a myriad of global issues in the pavilion's net zero carbon footprint rooms. 联合国借世博会的机会把世界各地的人们聚在一起,为不同文化提供交流的机会。届时多位世界知名的诗人、建筑师和学者都将受邀来到联合国馆参加一系列全球论坛。
In addition to holding open discussions, the pavilion displays quiet messages of what it values most – its people. "It's going to be hot in the summer and we provide a roof for shade and shelter while people wait in the lines," Behnam commented, pointing at the queue that was already out the door. 除此之外,联合国馆同样展示了它人性化的一面。贝楠指着馆外排队的人群说:“夏天很热,我们馆为排队等候的游客提供了阴凉以方便他们避暑。”
On top of the roof, solar panels to provide the pavilion with electricity can be seen. This no doubt sends a friendly message to many of the visitors, as China is the world's largest producer of solar panels. 联合国馆日常用电由安装在顶棚的太阳能电池板提供。联合国的这一举动被认为是在向东道主示好,因为中国是全球最大的太阳能电池板生产国。
About 95 percent of the estimated 1 million guests to visit the pavilion during the Expo are expected to be Chinese. Pavilion coordinator Dr. Lars Reutersward says the pavilion targets the Chinese viewer. "Beijing invited the world in during the Olympics and now we want China to see the world at our pavilion," Reutersward said. 预计世博会期间参观联合国馆的游客量将达到100万,其中95万将是中国游客。联合国馆协调员拉斯·路透斯沃德表示,联合国馆将主要考虑中国游客,“奥运会期间北京邀请全世界来中国作客,世博会中国人民将会在我们的馆里领略到世界风光。”
The pavilion shares information about other cultures and features a creative hall, which fuses technology with imaginative sounds and artistic figures. 联合国馆将与游客分享世界各地的文化。在该馆中,有一个创意大厅,在这里,充满想象力的声音与艺术形象和技术融合在一起。
"We believe that the essence of development and social harmony is creativity. And we cannot ignore the role of the arts, music and the creative mind influencing what we want to see in 'Better City Better Life,'" Behnam said. 贝楠说:“我们相信发展与社会和谐的核心在于创造力。在我们实现‘城市,让生活变得更美好’这一口号的过程中,我们不能忽略音乐、艺术以及其他创造性思维所发挥的作用。”
The pavilion also features a life-sized cardboard copy of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, which has proved a big hit with photo-loving Chinese guests.


(China.org.cn 相镔 译)

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