一. 教育类
1. 教育的目的和作用:Transmitting democratic values; creating equality of opportunity; preparing new generations of citizens in society.
2. 教育之生活技能:Logical thinking; analysis; creative problem solving; synthesis; oral communication; writing communication; interpersonal; leadership
3. 道德教育:Honesty; fairness; self-discipline; fidelity to task, friends and family; personal responsibility; love of a country; belief in the principles of liberty; equality and freedom to practice one's faith
4. 人文教育:an ability to synthesize and relate; to weigh cause and effect; to see events in perspective; how to read, write and think; speak intelligently; get along with others; conceptualize problems
5. 填鸭教育
二. 科技类
1. 带来landfill: outdated devices, discarded chemicals, plastic packaging
2. 带来out of work: automation contribute to out of work; the development of computers and transistors and the accompanying trend toward miniaturization
3. 坏处:automobile exhausts, pesticides such as DDT threaten the food chain, mineral wastes pollute reservoirs or groundwater
4. 好处:telecomuniting: because of the side effect relatively inferior, improve productivity, develop quantity management, reduce labor resourcefulness
5. 双面性:as medicine both have side effect; however, people could not reject to receive them with more benefits
6. 事例:国防军备,基因治疗疾病,机器人的工业用途,全球化;事业,个人隐私,伦理,社会不平等,文化落后,文化殖民,温室效应,饮水质量数量,灌溉用水,工业用水,发电,渔业,化学泄漏,核泄漏导致死亡,疾病
三. 竞争类
1. 竞争的好处:in business: 电脑更先进,通讯更发达,价格更低;其他:挑战人类极限,促进学习,使社会民主
2. 合作的好处:例子如篮球,建筑,修路;坏处:失去竞争;过度合作:垄断;政府operate以免失去competition
3. 合作竞争:co-opetition, a combination of cooperation and competition, is the delicate balance of cooperation and competition.
四. 社会问题
1. 贫穷:conflict,class discrimination and unequal opportunities, the social welfare system and affirmative action.
2. 种族歧视:power and wealth 分不均造成的:个人自由,公民自由,权威的滥用;经济机会,社会活动,文盲,失业,无家可归,疾病。种族纯优化,种族隔离,制度不平等
3. 反社会问题:犯罪,暴力,drugs, criminal justice system, 家庭不稳定,家庭暴力,学业不好,媒体影响,离婚
4. 性别歧视:工作地方,职业,工资,教育
5. 医疗健康问题:器官移植,基因治疗,安乐死化学潜在的危害、治病,消除饥饿
6. 能源问题:污染—health risks, acid rain, global warming, renewable
五. 政治类
1. 目的:产生,保持,扩大wealth, prosperity influence
2. 道德与政治的异同:similarity: regulate or direct human behavior, 程度不同,二者界限模糊,取决于社会矛盾,政治目标,道德可以政治化,政治可以道德化。
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