Daily News 2010-10-13
![The first miner Florencio Avalos (L), one of the 33 miners trapped in the San Jose mine, 800 km north of the Chilean capital Santiago, is rescued successfully back to the ground on Oct. 12, 2010. The operation to lift out the 33 miners trapped for over two months in northern Chile is under way right now. [Martin Zabala/Xinhua] The first miner Florencio Avalos (L), one of the 33 miners trapped in the San Jose mine, 800 km north of the Chilean capital Santiago, is rescued successfully back to the ground on Oct. 12, 2010. The operation to lift out the 33 miners trapped for over two months in northern Chile is under way right now. [Martin Zabala/Xinhua]](http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20101014/000cf1a48b7f0e20af0407.jpg) |
The first miner Florencio Avalos (L), one of the 33 miners trapped in the San Jose mine, 800 km north of the Chilean capital Santiago, is rescued successfully back to the ground on Oct. 12, 2010. The operation to lift out the 33 miners trapped for over two months in northern Chile is under way right now. [Martin Zabala/Xinhua] |
Chilean miners rescued |
智利矿工获救 |
Rescuers using a missile-like escape capsule began pulling 33 men one by one to fresh air and freedom Wednesday, 69 days after they were trapped in a collapsed mine almost half a mile underground, AP reported. First to be rescued was Florencio Avalos, who wore a helmet and sunglasses to protect him from the glare of the bright lights. He smiled broadly as he emerged and hugged his son and wife, before getting a bear hug from Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. A second miner, Mario Sepulveda Espina, was pulled to the surface about an hour later. After hugging his wife, he handed out souvenir rocks from his underground prison to jubilant rescuers. A third miner, Juan Illanes, followed after another hour. |
据美联社报道,周三,救援人员用导弹状救援仓将33名矿工一个一个拉回了地面,他们在距地面近半英里的塌陷矿井里困了69天,现在又呼吸到了新鲜的空气,重获自由。第一名获救的矿工是弗洛伦西奥•阿瓦洛斯,他带着安全帽和遮蔽强光的太阳镜。露面时,他笑得很开心,然后拥抱了妻儿,接着智利总统塞巴斯蒂安•皮涅拉给了他一个拥抱。一小时后,第二名矿工马里奥•塞普尔维达•意斯匹那升井。他拥抱了妻子之后,把从井下带上来的石头送给兴高采烈的救援人员做纪念品。又过了一小时,第三名矿工胡安•伊利亚内斯升井。 |
Dolphins killed in Japanese hunt |
日本大规模屠杀海豚 |
Residents of the Japanese seaside village Taiji, notorious for hunting dolphins, slaughtered another pod of dolphins Tuesday, AP reports. Most of the dolphins, which were caught Monday, were butchered, although two were saved to be sold to aquariums and six young dolphins were released back into the ocean. Taiji has a dolphin season from September to March each year, saving the best-looking ones to sell to aquariums and killing the rest. Activists are organizing a protest against the killings for Thursday at Japanese embassies around the world. |
据美联社报道,因猎捕海豚而臭名昭著的日本村庄“太地町”昨天又屠杀了一批海豚。前天被捕到的海豚有绝大多数都被杀了,只有2头卖给了海洋馆,6头幼崽被放回大海。每年9月到次年3月,是“太地町”传统的海豚渔猎季。通常,长相好看的海豚会被卖给海洋馆,剩下的就全被杀死。据悉,动物保护者们将于14日在世界各地的日本使馆门口示威,就日本屠杀海豚的行为进行抗议。 |
Argentine leader slams Royal Navy |
阿女总统称英军为海盗 |
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner sharply criticized plans by the U.K. Ministry of Defense to carry out military tests in the Malvinas (Falkland Islands) on Twitter, the Daily Telegraph reports. She called the Royal Navy "pirates." Her postings were deleted, but not before they had been re-posted by hundreds of Twitter users, many of them Argentines who enthusiastically endorsed the remarks. |
据英国《每日电讯报》报道,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯•基什内尔在“推特”上激烈批评英国国防部在马岛(英称福克兰群岛)进行导弹发射测试的计划,并称英国海军为海盗。尽管帖文后来被删除,但是已被网友广泛转载,转载者多是强烈支持她评论的阿根廷人。 |
Mutilated Afghan woman gets new nose |
阿富汗‘割鼻女孩’的微笑 |
The Afghan woman who was mutilated by her husband under Taliban rule and appeared on a Time Magazine cover was all smiles as she unveiled her new prosthetic nose for the first time after surgery, the Daily Telegraph reports. Bibi Aisha, 19, received the Enduring Heart award at a benefit for the Grossman Burn Foundation, a Los Angeles-based organization that paid for her surgery. |
据英国《每日邮报》报道,在塔利班统治下遭丈夫残忍割鼻而登上《时代》杂志封面的阿富汗女孩,在接受手术后,首次微笑着向公众展示了她的新仿生鼻子。美国加州“葛罗斯曼•伯恩基金会”授予19岁的爱莎“永恒之心”奖,并为爱莎支付了手术费用。 |
Girl can eat only fruits, vegetables |
女童患怪病只能吃蔬果 |
A 7-year-old girl from the U.K. faces brain damage if she eats anything but fruit and vegetables, the Daily Mail reports. Borsi Batki suffers from phenylketonuria (PKU), a metabolic disorder that if undetected, can lead to problems with brain development, progressive mental retardation, brain damage and seizures. Her condition means her body cannot process the amino acid phenylalanine, which is found in most protein-rich foods. Just one in 15,000 children is born with the condition, which is caused by a genetic mutation. |
英国《每日邮报》报道,英国一名7岁小女孩波希•贝迪克患有先天怪病,只能吃蔬菜与水果,否则会损伤头部。她患有苯丙酮酸尿症,这是一种先天性代谢异常病,会影响大脑发育、损伤脑部神经和损害智力。这意味着她的身体不能吸收苯基丙氨酸,而这种物质存在于大部分富含蛋白质的食品中。在每1.5万儿童中,有1人患有这种病症,该病症由遗传基因突变引起。 |
Woman, 101, to become U.S. citizen |
百岁老人终成美国公民 |
Eulalia Garcia Maturey has outlived two husbands, her two children, and decades of bygone immigration laws. At 101, Maturey will become a U.S. citizen on the 101st anniversary of her crossing into the United States from Mexico, CNN reports. The naturalization ceremony will take place Tuesday afternoon in a federal courtroom in Brownsville, Texas. On October 12, 1909, Maturey was just a baby in her mother's arms when they crossed the Rio Grande on a ferry boat from Matamoros, Mexico, to Brownsville. In 1941, she received a "Lawful Entry" card which she still has in her possession. |
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