片名:Black Swan
(Darren Aronofsky)
主演:娜塔莉•波特曼(Natalie Portman)
文森特•卡塞尔(Vincent Cassel)
米拉•库妮丝(Mila Kunis)
薇诺娜•瑞德(Winona Ryder)
芭芭拉•赫希(Barbara Hershey)
The Story

Nina (Natalie Portman) is a veteran ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life is dominated by two things: ballet and her overbearing mother (Barbara Hershey), with whom she shares an apartment. She's toiled in relative anonymity for years, but her luck changes when she's awarded the lead in Swan Lake, usurping the spotlight from the company's longtime featured starlet, Beth (Winona Ryder). |
尼娜(娜塔莉•波特曼 饰)是纽约一家芭蕾舞团的资深舞者,她的生活里只有两样东西:芭蕾和她性格专横的母亲(芭芭拉•赫希 饰)。尼娜与母亲住在一起,尽管辛苦演出了多年,却籍籍无名。最近,她时来运转,受命在芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》中出演主角,抢走了一直以来笼罩在剧团首席女星贝丝(薇诺娜•瑞德 饰)头上的光环。 |
Thomas (Vincent Cassel), the director, is hesitant about Nina's ability to play the role, however. While she has the technical expertise to pull off the White Swan portion of the role, she lacks the seductiveness he desires for the evil doppelganger Black Swan portion. Thomas tries to get it out of her by pushing her buttons with sexual advances and intrusive inquiries and by pitting her against Lily (Mila Kunis), a new dancer in the company who lacks the technical aspect but embodies the Black Swan's sultry emotion. |
然而,对于尼娜是否有能力出演这个角色,舞剧导演托马斯(文森特•卡塞尔 饰)还是心存疑虑。她技巧娴熟,能够出色地完成白天鹅的戏份;但在扮演相貌相同、生性邪恶的黑天鹅时,她身上却缺乏导演所要求的那种魅惑。托马斯用挑逗的行为和步步紧逼的质询引导尼娜,试图让她表现出这种妖魅的感觉,同时还安排新进舞者莉莉(米拉•库妮丝 饰)与她竞争这个角色。莉莉虽然在技巧方面有所缺欠,却能把黑天鹅的放荡性情表现得活灵活现。 |
As Nina forms an uneasy alliance with the open and friendly Lily, the pressure seemingly begins to manifest itself on her body. Red marks begin appearing on her back, and her skin begins to peel. Nina's eyes seem to be playing tricks on her: inanimate objects move, and she sees shadowy figures who look a lot like her. Is she cracking up, or could Lily be a true-life doppelganger out to curse her? |
(China.org.cn Rebecca 译)
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