I suggest enforcing food safety laws to the letter and intensifying inspection and supervision of milk and diary products so that no "poisonous food" flows into market. |
Young journalists' sharp letters for two sessions attendees
The following is a collection of comments made by primary school children directed at advisors attending this week's NPC and CPPCC.
牛奶是用皮革做的吗?牛奶对小朋友成长起重要作用。建议:1. 不折不扣地执行食品安全法,加大对各种牛奶和奶制品的检测和监管力度,不能让任何一种“毒食品”流入市场;2. 完善法律法规,不给不法分子任何“制毒”的机会;3. 对不法分子加大惩罚力度。 ——小营小学二(1)班 黎婧暄 |
Is milk made from leather? Milk plays an important role in the growth of children. I suggest: 1. enforcing food safety laws to the letter and intensifying inspection and supervision of milk and diary products so that no "poisonous food" flows into market; 2. improving laws and regulations so that criminals get no chance to "poison" products; 3. imposing greater penalties on those criminals. —— Li Jingxuan, Grade 2, Class 1, from Xiaoying Primary School. |
“双休日,有时想去体育场活动活动,可家门口的高校体育场总是不对外开放。什么时候能让大家共享这些运动资源?”“以前,我还可以经常吃到苹果,可从去年到现在,我们家基本没买过,因为价钱太贵了。可是我真的很希望每天都能吃上一个苹果……” ——察哈尔路小学五(1)班 沈奇 |
"From time to time, I'd like to exercise at the stadium on weekends; however, the college stadium, quite close to my home, is not open to the public all the time. When could all of us share those sports facilities?" "I used to eat apples; however, my family hasn't bought apples since last year, because they are too expensive. How I wish I could eat an apple each day..." —— Shen Qi, Grade 5, Class 1, from Cha Ha'er Road Primary School |
名初中被踩破门槛,普通初中空着教室没人上。离小升初还有二年时间,我已经开始担忧我的未来啦。谁都想上名校,可普通学校招生不满是教育资源的浪费。建议解决有限师资的合理分配问题,不能尽做锦上添花的事,也应该考虑扶贫和均衡发展。 ——瑞北小学四(5)班 沈榕 |
Famous junior high schools always win the greatest praise while ordinary ones tend to operate with empty classrooms. I am beginning to worry about my future, although it is still two years before I take my high school entrance exams. Everyone wants to study in a famous school, but it's a waste of education resources if ordinary schools can't recruit enough students. I suggest making a rational distribution of precious limited faculty. Don't simply "add flowers to the brocade," but take poverty alleviation and balanced development into consideration. —— Shen Rong, Grade 4, Class 5, from Ruibei Primary School |
政府何时才能把所谓的借读费取消呢?不少学校变相地收取借读费,而且开的收据上面写到“我自愿捐资助学”,请你们想想有谁能自愿呢?还有所谓的民工子弟学校,从名字上就把农村和城里的孩子划分界限,难道让我们从小就要知道农村和城里的差距吗? ——滨江小学三(4)班 刘丞灵 |
When will the government cancel so-called temporary student fees? Many schools charge such fees in a disguised way, and the receipt they provide says "I'm willing to donate money for education". Who is actually willing to do this? And those so-called schools for children of migrant workers! This name already enforces a division between rural and urban kids. Why would they want to inform us, even in childhood, of the gap between the city and countryside? —— Liu Chengling, Grade 3, Class 4, from Binjiang Primary School |
Excerpts from the microblog of Nanjing Morning Post reflect the views of primary school children, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.
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