![These days are no longer the age of Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and Mao Dun [three major Chinese writers of the 20th century], but that of Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang and Li Yuchun [short sketches actors and pop singer]. These days are no longer the age of Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and Mao Dun [three major Chinese writers of the 20th century], but that of Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang and Li Yuchun [short sketches actors and pop singer].](http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20110311/000cf1a48b7f0ee42f1615.jpg)
These days are no longer the age of Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and Mao Dun [three major Chinese writers of the 20th century], but that of Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang and Li Yuchun [short sketches actors and pop singer]. |
The following is a collection of messages published on the official microblog of the website caijing.com.cn.
【“两会”代表观点:政协委员仲呈祥】 |
【Zhong Chengxiang, CPPCC member】 |
“如今不是‘鲁郭茅’(鲁迅、郭沫若、茅盾),变成了‘赵小李’,也就是赵本山、小沈阳和李宇春。我不否认他们在娱乐文化和小品上的功劳,但是从鲁迅跌落到小沈阳,这个文化落差有多大?” “赵小李”被捧成文化偶像,但无法担当起引领一代人的精神航程的重任。 |
"These days are no longer the age of Lu Xun, Guo Moruo and Mao Dun [three major Chinese writers of the 20th century], but that of Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang and Li Yuchun [short sketches actors and pop singer]. I don't deny their contributions to entertainment, culture and short sketches, but from Lu Xun to Xiao Shenyang, how large is the cultural gap?" Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang and Li Yuchun are hailed as cultural icons, but they cannot take on responsibilities to lead the spiritual life of a generation. |
【“两会”代表观点:官员问责后复出须向社会公开】 |
【Fu Qiping, NPC deputy】 |
全国人大代表、浙江奉化滕头村党委书记傅企平建议,官员被问责后复出机制须有公开制度设计。问责对象不明,对相关官员惩戒不力,这是行政问责制度的缺漏关键所在。应整合规范官员被问责后的复出机制,因人而异制定复出安排并向社会公布。(北京日报) |
NPC deputy Fu Qiping, Party chief of Tengtou Village, Fenghua City, Zhejiang Province, proposed that the comeback mechanism for officials who were held accountable should work in an open and transparent manner. [Currently, officials who were removed from their posts for wrongdoings, including corruption or failing to properly carry out their duties, are often reinstated or assigned another post without prior public notice.] Problems of the administrative accountability system lie largely in unclear accountability targets as well as light penalties imposed on officials. Such a comeback mechanism should be regulated so that these comeback plans, which vary from person to person, can be open to the public [before the officials are officially back on duty]. |
【“两会”代表观点:李德水】 |
【Li Deshui, CPPCC member】 |
每当历史紧要关头,我党都会把目光投向农村,农村成为中国解决问题的关键所在。大革命时期,毛泽东去农村找到革命基础;改革开放开始,邓小平在农村找到发展源泉;全球金融危机的今天,要着力扩大内需,加快发展方式转变,同样需要到农村去寻找中国经济发展的新的动力。 |
Whenever it comes to the critical moment in history, our Party will have eyes on the countryside, which has become the key for China to solve its problems. During the Great Revolution, Mao Zedong established a revolutionary base in the countryside; at the beginning of reform and opening, Deng Xiaoping identified the source of development in the countryside; now, faced with the global financial crisis, it's still necessary to seek new engines in the countryside for China's economic development to expand domestic demand and accelerate the transformation of its development pattern. |
【崔永元:保障房应建在市中心】 |
【Cui Yongyuan , CPPCC member】 |
“把保障房建在偏远的郊区是非常错误的,保障房就应该在市中心,否则就失去了保障的意义!”政协委员崔永元在政协小组讨论时作出以上表述。崔永元表示,住房如果仅是睡觉,就和山洞没区别了,它应当和教育、医疗联系在一起. |
"It's quite a mistake to build government-subsidized housing in the remote suburbs. They should be in downtown; otherwise, there can be no benefit to low-income groups. ... If housing just provided places for people to sleep, they are no different than caves. They should be associated with education and medical care." |
【“两会”代表观点:俞正声】 |
【Yu Zhengsheng, NPC deputy】 |
“网络上反映的问题最直接、最迅速,大多数都准确,是改进政府工作的很好工具”——全国人大代表、中央政治局委员、上海市委书记俞正声(新华网) |
"The Internet is the most immediate and quickest way to expose problems and most of the reports are exactly true. This is quite a great tool to improve government work." —NPC deputy Yu Zhengsheng, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee. (xinhuanet.com) |
Excerpts from the official microblog of caijing.com.cn reflect the views of these NPC deputies and CPPCC members, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.
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