Royal weddings are full of protocol but how are guests expected to behave on Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day? |
皇室婚礼有很多礼仪规范。在威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿大婚当日,宾客们举手投足间都需要注意些什么? |
For any ordinary wedding-goer, the prospect of meeting royalty, especially the Queen, is a daunting one. What is the correct form in such a situation? |
对于任何一个参加皇室婚礼的普通人来说,能一睹皇室家族特别是女王的风采,真令人翘首期盼却又满怀敬畏。那么,在这样一个场合,哪些举止才算得体呢? |
Curtsy |
屈膝礼 |
The rule is, don't overdo it. Debrett's New Guide to Etiquette and Modern Manners says the sweeping curtsy and long, low bow "can be the subject of some amusement within royal circles". Instead, ladies are expected to make a brief bob with the weight on the front foot, and gentlemen should opt for a small nod, and look down briefly. Do the same when the royal leaves the room. |
这里的规则是:不要做得太过了!《德布雷特英国贵族年鉴》中“礼节和现代礼仪新指南”对此有这样的陈述:行深深的屈膝礼或是长时间的深鞠躬“都会成为皇室家族内部的笑料”。其实,在皇室婚礼上,女士只须将重心转移到前脚,行一个简短的屈膝礼;男士可选择轻点下头,目光微微下垂。皇室成员离开时,也如此行礼即可。 |

Touching |
触碰 |
While it is fine to accept a handshake from the Queen, officials discourage any other form of touching. Former Australian prime minister, Paul Keating, was famously branded the Lizard of Oz in 1992 when he was photographed placing his arm on the Queen's back. However, two years ago the Queen herself touched US First Lady Michelle Obama on her back during a reception at Buckingham Palace - a gesture which was returned. A palace spokesperson referred to it as "a mutual and spontaneous display of affection and appreciation". |
虽然与女王握手没什么不妥,但官员们并不鼓励任何其他形式的触碰。澳大利亚前总理保罗•基廷1992年曾将手臂放在女王背上拍照,随即蒙上“澳洲蜥蜴”的污名;而就在两年前,女王自己在白金汉宫举行欢迎宴会时就曾将手放在美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马的背上,米歇尔也回以同样的动作。对此,白金汉宫发言人则表示这是“相互之间表达友爱和敬重的一种很自然的方式”。 |
Note, however, that younger members of the royal family, like Princes William and Harry, will probably have a less formal attitude to introductions. |
不过,要注意的是,皇室家族里较年轻的成员(比如威廉王子和哈里王子)对于这样的引见可能不会那么一本正经。 |
Photos |
拍照 |
At state banquets guests are not allowed to take photos. A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said that at all royal events the use of personal cameras is discouraged. The event will, in any case, be covered by a professional photographer, Hugo Burnand.
(Source: Debrett's) |
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