Mainland, Taiwan uncover telecom scam

Telecom fraud has emerged in recent years as a new way to swindle unsuspecting victims. |
China's Ministry of Public Security announced Saturday that the mainland and Taiwan have launched a joint police investigation into a massive telecom fraud case, in collaboration with counterparts in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, Xinhua reported. |
新华社消息,公安部周六表示,海峡两岸警方与柬埔寨、印尼、马来西亚、泰国警方开展联合行动,成功摧毁了一个特大电信诈骗集团。 |
To date, a total of 598 suspects including 186 mainlanders, 410 Taiwan residents, one Cambodian and one Vietnamese have been arrested by the police. Authorities have destroyed 106 bases for the fraud and confiscated equipment used by the suspects including bankcards, computers and cell phones. |
日前一举抓获犯罪嫌疑人598名,其中大陆居民186名、台湾居民410名、柬埔寨居民1名、越南居民1名,捣毁诈骗窝点106处,缴获银行卡、电脑、手机等作案工具。 |
Telecom fraud has emerged in recent years as a new way to swindle unsuspecting victims. |
电信诈骗是近年兴起的一种新型犯罪,常有无辜群众被骗。 |
The just-uncovered case is the largest-ever of its kind, in terms of the number of criminal bases discovered and the number of suspects captured, according to Bai Shaokang, director of the criminal investigation bureau at the Ministry of Public Security.
( June 13, 2011) |
公安部刑侦局局长白少康说,这次侦破行动,是公安机关目前侦破的最大规模的电信诈骗犯罪案件,打掉的犯罪窝点之多、抓获的犯罪嫌疑人数量之大前所未有。 | |
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