"There are something that are unparalleled in this world, like success and love." |
“这世界上有很多东西无与伦比,比如说成功和爱情。” |
-- Yao Ming said to journalist after he won the CBA championship.
—— 2001年取得CBA总冠军后对记者说道。
"If he doesn't choose me, I will be the one who gives him most headaches." |
“如果他不选我,我就会成为最让他头痛的敌人。” |
-- Yao Ming said when he was asked by General Manger of New York Knicks why a general would want to choose him in April 2002.
—— 选秀前在纽约试训时,尼克斯队老板让姚明说明一名球队经理为什么要选他。 |
"Money is not what I want from the NBA. My first-year salary will sustain my expenses for a lifetime." |
“钱不是我来NBA的目的,对于我来说,头一年的薪水就够花一辈子了。” |
-- Yao quipped when he was asked about the future of his career.
—— 2002年,新秀姚明谈到未来的职业发展。 |
"Now they are better than me, but I believe that I will defeat them before long." |
“现在他们确实比我强,但我相信在不久的将来会打败他们。” |
-- Yao Ming said of the challenges posed by dominant big men Shaquille O'Neal and Tim Duncan on September 2, 2002.
—— 新秀姚明谈到前辈沙奎尔·奥尼尔和蒂姆·邓肯。 |
"I only want to play basketball, and play it well and be happy about it. But I realize that with being famous comes a lot of demands." |
“我只想打篮球,而且是很认真很快乐地打篮球。但是我也明白,篮球能让我成为名人,并带来许多额外的要求。” |
-- Yao Ming said in an interview on Sep. 3, 2002.
—— 被火箭选中后某次接受采访。 |
"I feel very much honored. I hope I can play well in this game. I guess if I don't eat a sleeping pill, I could have problems going to sleep tonight. Chances like this which can make you sleepless are getting rare." |
“我感到很荣幸。我希望能在这场比赛中发挥出自己的水平。我想如果不吃一粒安眠药的话,今天晚上我会整晚都辗转反侧、难以成眠的。这种机会真是不可多得的。” |
-- Yao Ming said when he learned he was voted an All-Star.
—— 获悉自己入选全明星首发阵容之后。 |
"I sit there just to enjoy the game, because the whole game to me is just a place to enjoy." |
“我只是坐在那里欣赏比赛,因为整场比赛对我来说就是一个欣赏的地方。” |
-- Yao Ming said of the All-Star game.
—— 谈到参加全明星赛的心态。 |
"Normally when I saw him in the past, he was speaking behind the podium. I never realize he is so short." |
“通常我见到他的时候,都是在演讲台上。我不知道他竟然如此的矮。” |
-- Yao Ming said when he was asked about his impression of David Stern after a luncheon with him. |
—— 2003年4月,姚明与NBA总裁大卫·斯特恩共进午餐后这样说道。 |
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