Excessive heat is raging most parts of China, exposing workers to difficult conditions, but not everyone has received the hot weather compensation they are eligible to, Xinhua reports. |
据新华社报道,高温天气目前正在肆虐我国大部分地区,将工作者暴露在恶劣的环境中,但按规定应发放的高温津贴,并不是人人都能得到。 |
Of 20 people who were surveyed in an online poll, only five said they received the allowance in cash. More than 10 said they received health products or beverages, and the rest claimed they got nothing -- not even a penny or a bottle of water. |
一项网络问卷调查了20名工作者,仅有5人以现金形式领到了高温津贴,超过一半受访者说,单位安排发放了保健品或饮料,还有很多人说,单位不仅没有发一分钱,连水也没发一瓶。 |
A bus driver in a provincial city said with indignation that he only received one kilogram of green beans as compensation.
(China.org.cn August 5, 2011) |
另有一名不愿透露姓名的先生义愤填膺地表示,自己在某省会城市开巴士,可是他领到的“津贴”仅是两斤绿豆。 |
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