A man from Luoyang, Henan Province, who reported a store's tax evasion to the local taxation bureau, sued the bureau after it paid him a reward of only 1 yuan, Oriental Today reported. |
《东方今报》报道,洛阳一男子向税务局举报商家逃税行为,却被告知获举报奖励1元,他将洛阳市西工区国家税务局告上了法庭。 |
The man, Ren Leliang, reported Saibo Digital Shop in Luoyang after the shop refused to provide him with a free invoice after he bought a computer chair on May 11th. |
今年5月11日,任乐亮在洛阳赛博数码城购买了一把电脑椅,但在索要发票时遭拒。 |
Ren was told that an invoice would cost him 20 yuan, and he subsequently reported the incident to the taxation bureau. |
任乐亮被告知,如要发票还需再交20元的发票钱。于是,他将电脑城此行为举报到洛阳市西工区国家税务局。 |
Ren visited the bureau ten times during the course of the investigation, and spent a total of 50 yuan on bus fares. |
为配合税务局的调查,任乐亮往返税务局十次,光车费就花了50多元。 |
However, the bureau informed him on June 3rd that he would only be awarded 1 yuan after it found in his favor and penalized Caibo Digital Shop for tax evasion. |
6月3日,洛阳市西工区国家税务局告诉任乐亮,对他举报的案件,税局已经做出行政处罚决定,并通知他到税局领取举报奖1元整。 |
Ren, disappointed at the amount after feeling that the bureau had actively encouraged people to report tax evasion, decided to sue the bureau. |
任乐亮认为税务局宣传鼓励举报偷税漏税行为,但1元的奖励着实愚弄了他。因此,他将税务局告上了法庭。 |
The court found against Ren on September 21.
(China.org.cn September 26, 2011) |
9月21日,洛阳市西工区人民法院开庭审理了该案,判决任乐亮一审败诉。 |
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