![Copies of the new biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson are displayed at a bookstore in New York October 24, 2011. [Agencies] Copies of the new biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson are displayed at a bookstore in New York October 24, 2011. [Agencies]](http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20111118/00114320def1103060b003.jpg)
Copies of the new biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson are displayed at a bookstore in New York October 24, 2011. [Agencies] |
12. He craved perfection, and he was not always good at figuring out how to settle for something less. He did not like to wrestle with complexity or make accommodations. This was true in products, design, and furnishings for the house. It was also true when it came to personal commitments. 中文版:他苛求完美,并不太善于退而求其次或适应可行的方案。他不喜欢复杂的东西,无论是产品、设计还是房子装修,都是如此。在涉及个人承诺时也是这样。
13. Every once in a while, I find myself in the presence of purity -- purity of spirit and love -- and I always cry. It always just reaches in and grabs me. 中文版:每当我发现自己身处一种纯粹——一种精神与爱的纯粹之中,我就会忍不住掉眼泪。这感觉就这么撞进了我的心,一下子抓住了我。
14. Jobs had always insisted that the rows of chips on the circuit boards look neat, even though they would never be seen. Now they would be seen. The casing would make visible the care that had gone into making all components of the computer and fitting them together. The playful design would convey simplicity while also revealing the depths that true simplicity entails. 中文版:乔布斯一直坚持要让芯片整齐地排列在电路板上,即使它们不会被人们看到也要这么做。但现在,它们能被人看见了。通过这个半透明外壳,人们将能够看到乔布斯对产品的用心,而这种用心贯穿于所有元件的制造以及组装的过程中。这种有趣的设计将传达简约的理念,同时也体现出真正达到简约所需要的深度。
15. It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. We believe that it's technology married with the humanities that yields us the result that makes our heart sing. Nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices. 中文版:苹果的基因决定了只有技术是不够的。我们笃信,是科技与人文的联姻才能让我们的心灵歌唱。后PC时代的电子设备尤其如此。
16. More than anyone else of his time, he made products that were completely innovative, combining the power of poetry and processors. With a ferocity that could make working with him as unsettling as it was inspiring, he also built the world's most creative company. And he was able to infuse into its DNA the design sensibilities, perfectionism, and imagination that make it likely to be, even decades from now, the company that thrives best at the intersection of artistry and technology. 中文版:在他的时代,他超越众人,创造了极具创新性的产品,把诗歌和处理器的力量完美结合。他的粗暴使得跟他一起工作既让人不安又令人振奋,而他借此打造了世界上最具创造力的公司。他能够在苹果的DNA中融入设计的敏感、完美主义和想象力,使之很可能,甚至此后几十年,都是在艺术与科技的交汇处成长得最茁壮的公司。
(来源:中国网学英语频道 2011-11-18) |
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