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The ice cream man cometh
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"Retail is about the environment you are creating. People come here for a moment, to enjoy something and have a moment to remember.

"It is a little pleasure, and for 30 yuan (US$4.40), as a customer I can have a piece of Italy. If I am an expat, I can go home for a moment and if I am Chinese I can travel for a little while and I can share a moment and share a culture."

Frederic Mortier

Nationality: French

Age: 41

Profession: Retail entertainer


Description of self:

Warm-hearted, entrepreneurial and life-loving.

Favorite place in Shanghai: I love discovering new places but the view of Pudong from the Puxi side always reminds me of how much potential the city has.

Strangest thing seen in Shanghai: I was walking down a little old lane at the back of the JW Marriott that specializes in selling all types of animals. There were fish and all types of pets, but the most impressive were the stores selling crickets. And this is all downtown, right next to a five-star hotel. It is a very weird place, a time capsule, really.

Worst experience in Shanghai:

Driving. It's a regularly bad experience for most people.

Motto for life:

Create new things, undertake new things and always imagine and discover.

Things that could improve Shanghai:

More green pedestrian areas and more cultural events.

Advice to newcomers:

Spend time really getting to know the country and don't come here with any preconceived ideas. Be humble.

(Shanghai Daily January 7, 2009)

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