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American singer digs Shanghai vibe
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The couple headed off to India and their travels included getting lessons in snake charming in Nepal.

The duo landed in Shanghai in April and Routh works in the Julia Gabriel Center for Learning where she teaches drama and speech.

Having recently laid down tracks for her new album of original songs and finding a niche in the local music scene, Routh says she is inspired by her new home.

"Shanghai has so much to offer artists," she says. "You just have to take hold and go with it because the city is developing so fast and you can develop along with the city."

Sara Routh

Nationality: American

Age: 31

Profession: Early childhood speech and drama teacher by day, musician by night


Description of self:

Passionate, driven and spontaneous.

Favorite place in Shanghai:

Anywhere where I can find like-minded creative people who have a passion for life. I am constantly re-inventing my favorite place!

Strangest thing seen in Shanghai:

The amount of things one can fit on a bicycle and still see and steer safely.

Worst experience in Shanghai:

Middle of summer, flip-flops on, started down pouring, no umbrella, stubbed my toe on a random pipe sticking out of the sidewalk, couldn't find a taxi, drenched and bleeding profusely from my big toe ... Not a good day.

Motto for life:

Remember, the sun is always shining brightly behind the clouds.

Things that could improve Shanghai:

Respect, all the way around, from everyone who lives in this city.

Advice to newcomers:

Take every step along your way here slowly. Breathe every experience in, for you may never get to feel that again. Embrace your emotions here. You will for sure go on a roller-coaster ride full of them. Just remember what is real ... You are real and this time in your life is real! Enjoy every minute of it.

(Shanghai Daily February 4, 2009)

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