China is a remarkably healthy country despite its relative
poverty and climatic variations. Standards of hygiene varies from
place to place so all visitors must be aware of potential hazards
and act cautiously. Tap water is not safe; all water consumed must
be boiled or filtered unless it is bottled mineral water. Boiled
water is available in all Chinese hotels and restaurants. Although
food is prepared fresh and cooked or cleaned thoroughly, stomach
upsets are possible so it is advisable to take some medicine with
Ailments such as sore throats and chest colds are also possible
and can occur at any time of year considering China's climatic
extremes. The summer months are brutally hot so it is imperative to
combat the harmful summer heat with a sufficient supply of liquids
to prevent dehydration.
Prior to departing for China, it is recommended that you get
accident and medical insurance coverage for any medical expenses
that may arise during a trip.
No vaccinations are required for travel to China but it is
advisable to check with your doctor for current information.
Tetanus and typhoid vaccines are essential for travel anywhere, and
rabies and hepatitis vaccinations are recommended. Please note that
there is a risk of malaria in remote areas of south China, so take
precautionary measures before you go.
For Health Regulations please check with your local health unit
for required vaccinations and inoculations.