Name: Feng Kun
Sport: Volleyball
Gender: Female
Date of birth: December 28, 1978
Home: Beijing
Height: 1.83 meters
Weight: 70 kg
1990: Joined the volleyball team at Beijing's Shi Shahai Sports School
1994: Joined the Beijing Team
1994: Selected for the national youth team
1997: Selected for the National Women's Volleyball Focus Training Team
Major Achievements:
Team Honors
1995 World Youth Championship: Champion
2001 Women's World Grand Prix Finals: Champion
2002 Women's World Grand Prix Finals: Second place
2002 Women's World Championship: Fourth place
2003 Women's World Grand Prix: Champion
2003 Asian Championship: Champion
2003 Women's World Cup: Champion
2004 Women's Athens Olympics: Champion
Individual Honors
2003 Women's World Cup: Best setter
2003 12th Asian Volleyball Championship: Best setter
2004 Olympic Games: Best setter and Most Valuable Player
Feng Kun was born into an intellectual family who gave her a good education. She became a clever, studious and enterprising girl. In 1994, at the age of 15, she began her formal training in volleyball.
She is the main setter on the Chinese women's volleyball team and the core of the team's "Fast and Flowing" style. She was named best setter at the 2003 World Cup and also at the 12th Asian Championships in 2003. At a height of 1.83 meters, she is the tallest setter in the history of Chinese women's volleyball. Blocking is a major strength for her, although she actually loves to attack. However, when she began to play volleyball she was too short and instead was trained as a setter. When the opportunity arises, however, she often attacks her opponents unexpectedly. Her offensive abilities are just as good as attacking players. With her sharp mind, she is praised as "Little Zhuge."
She is a former captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team and is one of the world's best setters. She always plays an important role in calming her teammates' hearts and minds. At the Athens Olympics, she lead her team to first place after defeating Russia, which helped the team realize its 20-year dream of winning a gold medal.
(China.org.cn July 2, 2008)