PlayStop Honorable mentions of 'Beijing in the eyes of foreigners'' 2010 photo contest (11-20)
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Honorable mentions of 'Beijing in the eyes of foreigners'' 2010 photo contest (11-20)

Together. Photographer: Ari PetteriTuohinen, Finland. []

It is hot. Photographer: Stephen Shaver, The United States. []

Only in China. Photographer: Vertes Robert, Hungary. []

Father and Son. Photographer:Jamyan Dudka, Russia. []

Child's simplicity. Photographer: Abbas J.Kdaimy, Iraq. []

Art District 798. Photographer: Rokas Bernotas, Lithuania. []

Buddist's Gathering. Photographer: Tran Thai Hoa, Vietnam. []

In the temple. Photographer: George Doupas, Greece. []

Harmonius Hues of Autumn. Photographer: Danyal Gilan, Pakistan. []

Snowy day in Beijing. Photographer: Mohammed Saleh, Bahrain. []