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Arabian, Jewish children co-educated
A Jewish student (L) plays with Arab students at a Jewish-Arab school in Kafar Qara of Wadi Ara Region, north Israel, Nov. 24, 2008. Some 120 Arab students and 80 Jewish students from kindergarten to grade six study at the school, which was founded in 2003. Students of the school are co-taught by Jewish and Arab teachers in both Hebrew and Arabic.

A Jewish student (L) plays with Arab students at a Jewish-Arab school in Kafar Qara of Wadi Ara Region, north Israel, Nov. 24, 2008. Some 120 Arab students and 80 Jewish students from kindergarten to grade six study at the school, which was founded in 2003. Students of the school are co-taught by Jewish and Arab teachers in both Hebrew and Arabic. [Xinhua]

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