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Weekend Taichi Illustrations
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E-mail City Weekend, May 23, 2008
Weekend Taichi Illustrations 大道太极
Ritan park tea house,
Ritan park south entrance.
Open 9am-12am
Come experience the real Taichi every weekend with these informative illustrations which teach the essence of this graceful martial art.
During the illustration what the audience will experience will be: History and principle of Taichi shadowboxing. Relations between Taoism and Taichi. Taichi 42 form and the meaning of forms. Traditional Chen Style Taichi and the meaning of the forms. Illustration of basic trainings on steps, meditation and forms. Pushhand ( Tuishou) : This is very unique only in taichi practice after the practitioners are familiar with the forms, this practice emphasize on “listen” the opponent’s force and power, an essential practice for real boxing. Techniques of how to subdue the opponent: Those techniques are in the forms actually, the masters show the techniques with the audiences, so the audiences will gain deep understanding of traditional taichi.
Reservation 3days in advance by email or short message through Cell.
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