China International Travel Service Guangdong, China Travel Service Guangdong, Nanhu International Travel Agency, GZL International Travel Service Ltd., and another nine qualified travel agencies have signed a self-discipline pact to offer high-quality service to tourists heading to Taiwan.
According to the self-discipline pact, Taiwan tours will only provide products of at least five days and four nights, at a cost of no less than 900 yuan a night, and using four-star or above hotels for accommodation. Trading lists of tourists and misleading advertisements are also strictly forbidden by the pact. If the pact is violated, the offending travel agency will be punished by the tourism administration department.
Local media reports that prices of most five-day tour products have reached the requirements of the self-discipline pact, and are mainly around 3,600 yuan while prices of many six-day and seven-day products are still less than are required by the standards.
Some experts commented that the pact is more like a cartel, which is contrary to the laws of the market and will finally be punished by the market. Consumers are also complaining about the high prices, "it is like a price monopoly in price; we won't register for that." Currently there are no five-day group tours available in Guangdong costing less than 3,000 yuan.
(China Hospitality News April 14, 2009)