By Beth
Megan Lewis, Li Jing and Peng Wenchao set off today on an epic horse ride that will take them from Beijing to London. The trip will take four years and see them arriving in London, England in time for the 2012 Olympics. The 'Olympic Friendship on Horseback: From Beijing to London' team will travel the silk highway across China, Central Asia and Europe. Read about it below and see photos.

Megan Lewis, Li Jing, Peng Wenchao |
Chinese and British equestrian organizations have arranged for an epic horse ride symbolically taking the Olympics from Beijing to their next destination in London. To that purpose, a 60-year-old Welsh equestrian, Megan Lewis, formed a team to make the over 5,000 mile trek from the Great Wall of China to London, England. She is a former geography teacher who says this trip is a lifelong dream.
Chinese-Russian Li Jing is a rugged horseman who has just completed a journey on horse from central Russia to Beijing on his own. He is 47-years-old, was born in central China, but has been living i Russia since 1990 with his wife and 10-year-old son. His trip recent trip just ended about a month ago. He was stranded in Siberia during January 2009, but was taken in by villagers who helped him to get through the harsh Siberian winter and then to continue on his trip. He says its been a lifelong dream to follow the route of the medieval Mongolian warrior and conquerer, Genghis Khan.
Li has a appearance of what one might imagine Genghis Khan would have looked like. His long hair, beard and rugged demeanor along with the green cape he dons while riding would surely raise images of Khan in the minds of the medieval Europeans who feared him so. His current horse is Yuri, in Chinese his name is Lu'ai which means ‘love to travel'. All of the travelers are aware that this trip will be trying for both horse and horsemen alike.
The third member of the team is Peng Wenchao. He gave up his job as a cab driver two years ago to ride around China and back to Beijing for the 2008 Olympics.
Megan Lewis, Li Jing and Pang Wenchao left the Great Wall of China earlier today, April 18, 2009 to begin their long ride. They hope to reach London in time for the opening ceremonies for the 2012 Olympics. Their trip is raising money for charity.