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Restoration opens ancient town to visitors
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An ancient town dating back some 600 years will open to the public next May in Minhang District after renovation has finished.

Zhaojialou Ancient Town occupies 10 hectares in Gexin Village, Pujiang Town.

Famous houses, memorial halls for town celebrities, nine bridges and the commercial zone have already been renovated. Work will soon start to renovate the landmark building known as Kenhuanglou and its square, New Times reported today.

The town was founded in the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) and grew rapidly in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). It was home to about 100 families and dozens of shops, with waterways linking the village to the outside world/

The town's most famous house, known as Ligentang, has had its five courtyards and 138 rooms restored to its original splendor, the report said.

Visitors can take Metro line 8 to Pujiang Town and transfer to a boat to reach the old town.

(Shanghai Daily September 25, 2009)

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