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New patterns refresh paper cutting
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From Olympic Champions, to Fuwas, the subjects for paper cuts are left to the choice of the artists.

From Olympic Champions, to Fuwas, the subjects for paper cuts are left to the choice of the artists. 

These butterflies are crafted by the skilled fingers of folk artists.

These butterflies are crafted by the skilled fingers of folk artists. 

Liu Jicheng, vice-director of Paper-cutting Art Committee, said, "The coarse silhouette of her cuttings resembles the lines of a seal carving. The patterns give out a sense of rustic beauty."

Zhang Shuxian, director of Paper-cutting Art Committee, said, "Apart from inheriting a folk tradition, many of the exhibits mirror the lives of the artists. It's a continuing trend you see at the exhibition."

Ethnic paper-cuttings set forth the theme of this year's exhibition - celebrating China's fifty-six ethnic groups. Here they are represented in fifty-six blossoms.

Zhang Shuxian said, "This Miao cutting takes the colors of the traditional dyed cloth of the Miao people. There are some very fine cuts for head accessories."

Contemporary paper cutting transcends traditional two-dimensional patterns. These butterflies are crafted by the skilled fingers of folk artists. As decorations, paper cuttings are now appearing on walls at subway stations, furniture and even clothes.

(CCTV October 10, 2008)

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