Zhai Zhigang said he is fully confident about what lies ahead.
What has the process for mission suitability been like, psychologically?
It's a process of overcoming fear.
Why fear?
Why can we carry on a conversation now in a calm, relaxed manner? First of all, there is air pressure, which keeps us grounded. Second, there is oxygen, which is a precondition for us to talk to each other. If we were in a vacuum, we'd cease to exist.
But you have a space suit.
A space suit does not guarantee your safety 100 percent. You are always taking a risk.
How big is the risk?
Our engineers and technicians all make sure the space suit works well every single time. Every time, the suit provides you with a snug yet safe living space. But technical equipment can fail sometimes. Once there is a technical failure, the risks are increased.
If fear occurs, can it be conquered?
It has to be. If not, you're not up to the mission.
Are you up to the mission? Have you conquered fear?
I've been training in a low-pressure hatch on the ground, or in a water tank, to overcome psychological fear.