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China needs to build its own aircraft carriers
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For years, the prospect of China having an aircraft carrier was a subject of a great deal of rumor and speculation. The issue came to light this March, after a number of senior Chinese military officials confirmed the Navy's desire to acquire a carrier. And even more, China needs to build its own aircraft carriers.

An aircraft carrier is the symbol of the ultimate military power at sea. It acts as a seagoing air base, allowing a naval force to project air power at great distances on its own. The carriers are generally accompanied by battle ships, often with considerable firepower.

The Chinese Navy is fully aware that having an aircraft carrier will trigger jitters overseas. In the past, it's traditionally refrained from commenting on the subject. But this March, military officers broke the silence, acknowledging the need for China to develop its own aircraft carrier.

In early March during the National People's Congress session a senior naval officer who is also an NPC deputy said China has the ability to build an aircraft carrier. Wu Huayang called it the will of the people, something necessary for the development of the Chinese navy, as well as being a symbol of China's growing position in the world.

A few weeks later, when meeting Japanese military officers, Defense Minister Liang Guanglie said China will not remain the world's only major country without an aircraft carrier. He said the navy is relatively weak, and needs to be strengthened.

Although there have been similar statements on other occasions,these two incidents are regarded as the most formal responses from the Chinese military regarding the country's ambition for aircraft carriers.

The remarks quickly stirred enthusiasm among netizens. An opinion poll by the influential sina.com.cn showed half of the twenty thousand people surveyed believe China will build a carrier very soon. Over forty percent believe China will eventually build one, but it could take a long time. And nearly ninety percent believe China acquired the technology long time ago, and has been waiting for the right time to build it.

Netizens even initiated a design contest. Some of the entries aren't practical, while some are up to professional standards. Analysts say it will take at least five to seven years to build such a ship, and the initial design will not be too complicated.

Li Jie, researcher of PLA Navy Research Institute, said, "The construction of an aircraft carrier is a gradual process. For example, in terms of its engine system, it starts from conventional fuel power to advanced nuclear power. For China, it's more practical to start from building a middle-range carrier before jumping to the next stage. "

Eleven countries now deploy aircraft carriers to their navies. Only 6, the US, Russia, Britain, France, Italy and Spain can build their own. Some of Japan's naval vessels can double as sub-standard aircraft carriers.

(CCTV April 23, 2009)

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