Zheng Wen, bartender, said, “The skills are harder for girls to learn than for boys. Girls have smaller hands, and less strength. Boys acquire the skills faster than girls. But hard work can help girls catch up. I once considered giving up when I was learning juggling. But I continued and mastered it. Now when I teach my students, sometimes I get hurt by the bottles when they are practicing juggling. “
The traditional way of mixing a drink, or the way we see it done in old British films, demands a debonair manner. The bartenders are dressed in a waistcoat, and mixing the liquor is accompanied by classical music.
Flair bartending, on the other hand, can be much more entertaining with its fascinating stunts, like juggling or flipping the bottles.
Obviously, mastering the skills requires lots of practice. When she was an apprentice, Zheng Wen carried her bottles everywhere and practiced all the time.