While people enjoyed the solar eclipse, what about the animals? Were they confused or afraid? We went to the city's zoo to see their reactions.

Shortly before 9 in the morning, when one third of the sun was covered by the moon, birds at the zoo were flying around, apparently confused.
And the Wuhan Zoo tigers appeared irritable and restless, walking to and fro.
Li Tao, Zoo keeper of Wuhan Zoo, said, "The tigers are behaving quite abnormally today. They usually walk calmly after breakfast. But today they seem easily annoyed."
When the sun was completedly covered by the moon, the zoo plunged into darkness.
The tiger became more anxious, as if it thought it was time to hunt for food.
The pandas reacted differently. There are two pandas living in Wuhan Zoo. Xi Wang and Wei Wei thought that the evening had come, and fell sound asleep. When the sun came out again, Xi Wang stretched its arms lazily, as if it had just enjoyed a pleasant dream.