Zhanghui's interest in antiques can be traced back to his college years when he studied Archeology. After graduating he worked as a publisher. This was a turning point for him because besides furthering his interest in culture, it also brought him wealth and success. And this led to a second turning point.
Zhanghui is not alone as many experts seems to share his opinion about the value of antique furniture.
Furniture Broker Lei Xiaoyong said, "When people are materially satisfied they start to pursue a spiritual side of things; But this is no easy thing. Collecting some pieces of antique furniture can be a good choice. But it is not just decoration, It is also a symbol of culture. Antique furniture is gorgeous both in its design and color."
Zhang Hui has an interesting view about the design of Qing furniture.
Zhang Hui said,"One of the most important features of Qing furniture was that it made people sit in a dignified and impressive manner. Compared with today's sofas, this chair is uncomfortable. But this was intentional, what was really important was to show the social distinctions between people. Qing furniture did this."
Today, when he visits antique shops, Zhang Hui hopes not only to find more articles for his collection, but also to find friends who share his interest. Collecting has become his new way of life.
In recent years, the antique market in China has seen great revival. As a result the value of Zhang Hui's collection has more than doubled. But Zhang Hui treasures the spiritual contentment that collecting brings him, much more.
Zhang Hui said,"I use these antiques of great beauty everyday. I think collecting has improved my taste. Through it I have become better at finding the beauty in life."
From a book publisher to an antique furniture collector, Zhanghui has come a long way in pursuit of his life-long interest. It is a journey that has entailed much research into the history of Chinese furniture.And this now completes a circle in that he is preparing to publish his own work on the outcome of his studies.
Collecting has fulfilled him, and it's a choice of life he will never go back on.
(CCTV August 28, 2009)