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Cold front sweeps through northern China

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV, December 10, 2011
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A strong cold spell has swept through northern and eastern China, bringing snow to the regions. China’s National Meteorological Center issued a blue alert for the cold spell. It is the lowest level in the country’s four-scale alert system.

A strong cold spell has swept through northern and eastern China, bringing snow to the regions. China’s National Meteorological Center issued a blue alert for the cold spell. 

In Inner Mongolia, winter temperatures took aim at eyebrows and eyelashes as the mercury plummeted to minus 39 degrees Celsius.

In Shandong province, the temperature dropped below the freezing point bringing snowfall and frozen hairstyles on Friday. Meanwhile in Beijing, residents have finally seen blue skies after many gloomy days, although many have preferred to enjoy the sunshine behind windows as the capital has also been hit with piercing winds.


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