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Fishing disputes common between China & S. Korea

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV, December 14, 2011
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The recent confrontation between a Chinese fishing boat captain and the South Korean coast guards is not an isolated incident.

In November this year, South Korean coast guards seized 26 Chinese fishing boats for illegal fishing activities in South Korean waters. In December 2010, two Chinese fishermen drowned in a collision between their fishing boat and a South Korean coastguard ship.

And in 2008, a South Korean coastguard drowned trying to inspect a Chinese vessel. Analysts say rich marine resources off South Korea’s west coast and the close proximity between Chinese and Korean waters are the two key factors behind such clashes.

The recent confrontation between a Chinese fishing boat captain and the South Korean coast guards is not an isolated incident.

The recent confrontation between a Chinese fishing boat captain and the South Korean coast guards is not an isolated incident.


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