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22-year-old Meng takes care of paralyzed mother

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail CNTV, October 30, 2013
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Every year, China elects ten people that inspire the nation with their acts. Last year, a young girl named Meng Peijie in north China's Shanxi Province was given this honor. She has been taking care of her paralyzed adoptive mother for more than ten years since the age of eight. What she has done has moved many people in the country. Now, Meng is a college student. Our reporter Hu Chao visited Meng Peijie in her home and found out how she and her mother are doing now.

Meng Peijie in north China's Shanxi Province was given this honor. She has been taking care of her paralyzed adoptive mother for more than ten years since the age of eight. 

All that Meng Peijie has is her mother. In Meng's words, mother means home and those who have a mother, are the happiest in the world. Meng Peijie is now twenty-two years old. Both her biological parents died when she was about five years old. But life took a cruel turn for her.

Her adoptive mother got sick and was paralyzed when Meng was eight. Her adoptive father left the house and never returned. Since then, Meng began dutifully taking care of her mother all on her own. Meng Peijie's story has touched many Chinese people.

She now stands out in society for her devotion to duty. She has also been conferred many honors.

"I think what I've done is just a daughter's responsibility. But I feel the public's attention and these honors are a bit of a pressure on me now." Meng said.

Even though Meng Peijie has been interviewed many a time by different media, she is still a quiet girl and loves smiling. When asked how she managed to overcome the odds against her, she says she just remained simple-minded.

Meng Peijie in north China's Shanxi Province was given this honor. She has been taking care of her paralyzed adoptive mother for more than ten years since the age of eight. 

"I guess I'm just naive and silly. I don't give hardships too much thought. When there's difficulty, I just accept it and find a way out." Meng said.

Several years ago, when Meng Peijie had to go to school in Linfen, which is far from her home in Xi County, she also brought her mother with her, living in a rented house near the school. But life is much better now. The local government has been very supportive. Now Meng Peijie attends a university in Linfen. Her mother stays in their hometown and is taken care of by a nanny.

Life has been cruel to Meng Peijie yet she faces life with a smile. She's borne the burden of life at a young age and says she's just doing what any daughter should do. While many of us complain about things, this story is something that we can draw strength from.


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