3. Further explore cooperation in low-carbon energy technologies, which will support sustainable economic growth.
4. Bring into play such existing cooperation platforms as the China-EU Clean Energy Center (EC2), encourage enterprises to take part in EC2 enterprise alliance and cooperate on pilot projects.
5. Address the issue of nuclear energy development in a safe and secure manner through a general EURATOM agreement and closer scientific cooperation.
6. Reinforce cooperation in energy regulation in order to share experience and promote best practices both regionally and internationally, thereby enhancing consistency in energy policy-making in each country as well as the efficiency of the energy market. China as an observer to the Energy Charter Conference by invitation will further develop its relationship with the Energy Charter.
(IV). Urbanization
1. Carry out cooperation and promote advanced technology and managerial experience in sustainable urban development planning, urban infrastructure and management and urban-rural integration, including transparent and equitable consultative procedures with public and business stakeholders.
2. Ensure the success of the China-EU Urbanization Partnership Forum, the China-EU City Expo and the China-EU Mayors' Forum, improve the governing framework of the China-EU Partnership, support the development of numerous relevant city pairings and steer China-EU urbanization cooperation by the Joint Steering Committee of the China-EU Urbanization Partnership. Support the development of the EC-Link as a cooperation platform to enhance the impact of the Partnership.
3. Conduct dialogues and share experience on urban planning and design, urban socio-economic issues, good administration, natural and cultural heritage preservation, green and low-carbon development, disaster prevention and control, urban mobility and eco-buildings and construction standards in the building sector.
4. Actively build demonstration cities, support China-EU urban cooperation projects, promote cooperation between cities, and between cities and industrial parks and enterprises, creating a level playing field for all stakeholders involved, and reinforcing cooperation in the fields of finance and innovation to elevate the quality and level of urban development.
(V) Climate change and environmental protection
1. In response to the recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, enhance the implementation of effective international climate change measures under the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, and contribute to the process of the Durban platform for enhanced action and the implementation of the outcomes of the Doha Conference.
2. Cooperate to support complementary initiatives, with a view to reducing global greenhouse emissions so as to hold the increase in global average temperature below two degrees on Celsius scale above pre-industrial level. This will include working together and with other countries through multilateral approaches that include using the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol, to phase down the production and consumption of HFCs, based on the examination of economically viable and technically feasible alternatives, while continuing to include HFCs within the scope of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol provisions for accounting and reporting of emissions.
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