Hangzhou: A beautiful venue for the G20 Summit

By Jiang Wandi
Print E-mail Beijing Review, June 30, 2016
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The Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake scenic area [By Qu Wei / Beijing Review]

The Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake scenic area [By Qu Wei / Beijing Review]

Open and innovative

People in Hangzhou are proud of the spirit the city is creating. The Museum of the West Lake International Expo, about the event held from June to October 1929 that attracted over 20 million visitors from home and abroad, showcases the fledgling industry of the time and the international attention it garnered.

Hangzhou has become almost synonymous with mega-companies, such as e-commerce giant Alibaba and Geely Auto, a leading Chinese carmaker that owns Volvo. Thousands of smaller, highly innovative enterprises are also headquartered in the city.

Recently, Hangzhou has developed into a regular venue for national and international conferences, exhibitions and fairs. Locals tend to know well the city's past and present. They often speak of the Italian businessman and traveler, Marco Polo, who visited China in the 13th century and spent many years here. Upon returning home he wrote, "It is without doubt that the finest and most splendid city in the world is Hangzhou."

The Hangzhou International Conference Center on the bank of the Qiantang River [By Qu Wei / Beijing Review]

The Hangzhou International Conference Center on the bank of the Qiantang River [By Qu Wei / Beijing Review]

Group of 20

G20 members include 19 individual countries—Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States—and the EU.

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