Jet Li delivers a keynote speech. [China.org.cn]
Jet Li, founder of One Foundation, delivered a keynote speech. As the Red Cross Ambassador, he shared his own story with the participants, calling on every individual to do something for philanthropy, the cumulative effect of many small efforts being to make an enormous difference.
As a top name in the film industry, Jet Li has in recent years devoted much of his time and energy to creating a 21st century philanthropic business model centered on professionalism, transparency, impact, and sustainability. Under his guidance and vision, the Red Cross Society of China Jet Li One Foundation was founded in April 2007.
Explaining his belief in mutual-help, he also stressed the commitment of individuals. Governments, enterprises and individuals should shoulder their respective responsibilities toward society, he stated: government should continuously improve laws and regulations to guarantee a sound legal environment; enterprises, besides donating money, can also provide intellectual and information resources for philanthropic organizations; and every world citizen has the duty to put something back into society in a spirit of gratitude and love, for the sake of humanity.
Li added that globalization requires the integration of philanthropic information, and One Foundation is willing to exert all necessary effort on this task. Comparing himself to a "crazy beggar", Li vowed that he will try every possible means to awaken a sense of mutual help in all peoples and all organizations, firmly believing in his success based on the fact that love is a universal value.