二、2013年中央和地方预算草案 | II. Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2013 |
(一)财政工作和预算编制总体要求。 | 1. General Requirements for Public Finance Work and Budget Compilation |
2013年财政工作和预算编制,要全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神,以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,紧紧围绕主题主线,坚持稳中求进的工作总基调,继续实施积极的财政政策,深化财税体制改革,推动国民收入分配格局调整,坚持统筹兼顾原则,进一步优化财政支出结构,切实保障和改善民生,厉行节约,严格控制一般性支出,加强财政科学管理,提高依法理财水平和财政资金使用绩效,促进经济持续健康发展和社会和谐稳定。 | In the course of public finance work and compiling budgets in 2013, we need to comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party; follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development; take developing scientifically as the underlying guideline and accelerating a change in China's growth model as the major task; and adhere to the general principle of making progress while maintaining stability in all aspects of our work. We also need to continue following a proactive fiscal policy, deepen reform of the fiscal and tax systems, press ahead with adjusting the distribution of national income, adhere to a holistic approach, further improve the structure of government spending, maintain and improve quality of life, economize in every area, strictly limit regular expenditure, manage public finances more scientifically and strictly in accordance with the law, use government funds more efficiently, and promote steady and sound economic development and social harmony and stability. |
(二)积极的财政政策的要点。 | 2. Priorities of the Proactive Fiscal Policy |
一是适当增加财政赤字和国债规模,保持必要的支出力度。考虑到结构性减税的滞后效应,今年财政收入增长不会太快,可调用的中央预算稳定调节基金数额也较少,但财政刚性支出增加,特别是要增加保障改善民生支出,保持对经济增长和结构调整的支持力度,都需要适当增加财政赤字,中央和地方财政相应增加发债数量。二是结合税制改革完善结构性减税政策,促进经济结构调整。继续扩大营改增试点范围,促进现代服务业发展和产业结构升级,进一步减轻企业负担。清理取消不合理、不合法的收费项目,降低偏高的收费标准。适当降低部分能源资源和关键零部件、原材料产品的进口关税。三是进一步优化财政支出结构,保障和改善民生。坚持突出重点,积极而为、量力而行,增加教育、卫生、社保等民生投入,支持农业水利和国防建设,促进革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区加快发展,推动城乡发展一体化和城镇化建设。严格控制一般性支出,努力节约行政经费。严肃财经纪律,反对铺张浪费。加强财政支出绩效管理,提高资金使用效率。四是推动经济发展方式转变,提高经济发展质量和效益。保障国家科技重大专项顺利实施,支持基础研究、前沿技术研究等,推动企业技术创新。支持战略性新兴产业和现代服务业发展。推进生态文明建设,促进节能减排,加快新能源、可再生能源、清洁能源和循环经济发展;加强重点生态保护,巩固退耕还林成果,完善森林生态效益补偿和林业补贴政策。 |
First is to increase the fiscal deficit and government debt by appropriate amounts to maintain necessary spending intensity. The lag effect of past structural tax cuts will make it hard for government revenue to grow fast this year and funds available from the central budget stabilization fund will be modest. At the same time, however, increases in fixed government expenditures, especially spending on improving quality of life and continuing to support economic growth and structural adjustments, will require the fiscal deficit to expand by an appropriate amount and a corresponding increase in central and local government bonds issued. Second is to continue to reform the tax system and improve the structural tax cut policy to promote economic structural adjustments. We will continue to extend the scope of the pilot project on replacing business tax with VAT, push ahead the development of modern service industries and industrial structural upgrading, and further lighten the burden on enterprises. We will identify and rescind unreasonable and unlawful charges and lower exorbitant fees. We will also cut import tariffs on some energy and resource products, key spare parts and components, and raw materials. Third is to further improve the structure of government spending to maintain and improve quality of life. We will continue to give priority to key areas of spending and work energetically but within our means. We will increase spending on education, public health, social security, and other areas related to people's lives; lend our support to developing agriculture, water conservancy, and national defense; promote the rapid development of old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas; and advance urbanization and the integrated development of urban and rural areas. We will stringently limit regular expenditure, economize on administrative overheads wherever possible, observe strict financial and economic discipline, and oppose extravagance and waste. We will strengthen performance-based management of government spending and use funds more efficiently. Fourth is to push forward a shift in China's growth model to raise the quality and performance of economic growth. We will provide funds to ensure the smooth implementation of major national science and technology projects, support basic research and research on cutting-edge technologies, and encourage technological innovation by enterprises. We will support development of strategic emerging industries and modern service industries. We will promote ecological progress, energy conservation, and emissions reductions; help speed up the development of new, renewable, and clean energy sources and of a circular economy; support strengthening ecological conservation in key areas and consolidating progress in returning cultivated land to forests; and improve the forestry subsidy policy and the policy on providing compensation for conserving forest ecology. |
(三)公共财政预算安排情况。 | 3. Public Finance Budgets for 2013 |
根据中央经济工作会议确定的2013年经济社会发展预期指标、经济社会政策和预算编制的总体要求,2013年公共财政预算主要指标拟作如下安排: | On the basis of the targets for economic and social development in 2013, the economic and social policies, and the general requirements for compiling budgets determined at the Central Economic Work Conference, we have set the following targets for public finance budgets in 2013. |
中央财政收入60060亿元,比2012年执行数(下同)增长7%;从中央预算稳定调节基金调入1000亿元,合计收入总量为61060亿元。中央财政支出69560亿元,增长8.4%。其中,中央本级支出20203亿元;中央对地方税收返还和转移支付48857亿元;中央预备费500亿元。收支总量相抵,中央财政赤字8500亿元,比2012年增加3000亿元。中央财政国债余额限额91208.35亿元。 | Revenue of the central government is projected to reach 6.006 trillion yuan, up 7% on the actual figure for 2012 (here and below). Adding the 100 billion yuan from the central budget stabilization fund, revenue in 2013 should amount to 6.106 trillion yuan. Central government expenditure is estimated at 6.956 trillion yuan, up 8.4%. This consists of 2.0203 trillion yuan incurred at the central level, 4.8857 trillion yuan paid out as tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments, and 50 billion yuan of reserve funds for the central budget. Total expenditure will therefore exceed total revenue, leaving a deficit of 850 billion yuan, 300 billion yuan more than in 2012. The ceiling for the outstanding balance on government bonds in the central budget stands at 9.120835 trillion yuan. |
地方本级收入66570亿元,增长9%,加上中央对地方税收返还和转移支付收入48857亿元,地方财政收入合计115427亿元。地方财政支出117543亿元,增长9.9%,加上地方政府债券还本支出1384亿元,支出总量为118927亿元。地方财政收支差额3500亿元,国务院同意由财政部代理发行地方政府债券弥补,并列入省级预算管理。(地方财政收支预算由地方各级人民政府编制,报同级人民代表大会批准,目前尚在汇总中。报告中地方财政收支安排数均为中央财政代编) | Revenue collected by local governments is projected to be 6.657 trillion yuan, up 9%. Adding the 4.8857 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government, revenue of local governments should amount to 11.5427 trillion yuan. Local government expenditure is expected to come to 11.7543 trillion yuan, up 9.9%. Adding the 138.4 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local government bonds, total expenditure will come to 11.8927 trillion yuan. Total expenditure exceeds total revenue by 350 billion yuan, which will be made up, with the approval of the State Council, by the Ministry of Finance issuing bonds on behalf of local governments and incorporated into provincial-level government budgets. (As revenue and expenditure budgets of local governments are compiled by local people's governments and subject to approval of people's congresses at their respective levels, related data is still being collected. The abovementioned revenue and expenditure figures of local budgets have been compiled by the central finance authorities.) |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国财政收入126630亿元,增长8%。加上从中央预算稳定调节基金调入1000亿元,可安排的收入总量为127630亿元。全国财政支出138246亿元,增长10%,加上地方政府债券还本支出1384亿元,支出总量为139630亿元。收支差额12000亿元,增加4000亿元,赤字率为2%左右。 | Combining central and local budgets, national revenue will come to 12.663 trillion yuan, an increase of 8%. Including the 100 billion yuan from the central budget stabilization fund, total available revenue is projected to be 12.763 trillion yuan. National expenditure is budgeted at 13.8246 trillion yuan, up 10%. Adding the 138.4 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local government bonds, total expenditure will come to 13.963 trillion yuan. Total expenditure is projected to exceed total revenue by 1.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 400 billion yuan from last year. This deficit is equivalent to about 2% of GDP. |
2013年中央预算主要收支项目安排情况如下: | Main items provided for in the central budget in 2013 |
1.主要收入项目安排情况。 | 1. Main revenue items |
国内增值税20950亿元,增长6.5%;国内消费税8550亿元,增长8.6%;进口货物增值税、消费税15875亿元,增长7.3%;关税2970亿元,增长6.7%;企业所得税13123亿元,增长8.6%;个人所得税3815亿元,增长9.2%;车辆购置税2426亿元,增长8.9%;出口货物退增值税、消费税11110亿元,增长6.5%;非税收入2755亿元,下降3.3%,主要是取消和免征部分行政事业性收费。 | Revenue from domestic VAT will amount to 2.095 trillion yuan, up 6.5%; revenue from domestic excise tax, 855 billion yuan, up 8.6%; revenue from VAT and excise tax on imports, 1.5875 trillion yuan, up 7.3%; revenue from customs duties, 297 billion yuan, up 6.7%; revenue from corporate income tax, 1.3123 trillion yuan, up 8.6%; revenue from individual income tax, 381.5 billion yuan, up 9.2%; revenue from vehicle purchase tax, 242.6 billion yuan, up 8.9%; VAT and excise tax rebates on exports, 1.111 trillion yuan, up 6.5%; and non-tax revenue, 275.5 billion yuan, down 3.3%, which is the result of rescinding and exempting some administrative fees. |
2.主要支出项目安排情况。 | 2. Main expenditure items |
进一步优化财政支出结构,突出重点,控制一般,中央财政主要支出项目拟安排如下: | In compiling the central expenditure budget, we have further improved the spending structure, giving more support to key areas while limiting regular expenditure. The main expenditure items are arranged as follows. |
教育支出4132.45亿元,增长9.3%。保持财政教育投入持续稳定增长,加强教育经费使用管理,提高资金绩效。支持学前教育加快发展。进一步提高农村义务教育经费保障水平,继续实施农村义务教育阶段学生营养改善计划,着力提升农村义务教育薄弱学校办学水平。支持改善普通高中办学条件,加强职业教育基础能力建设。支持实施“985工程”、“2011计划”,推进高等教育内涵式发展。全面落实国家资助家庭经济困难学生政策,促进教育公平。 | The appropriation for education is 413.245 billion yuan, up 9.3%. We will maintain sustained, steady growth in government education investment and strengthen management over the use of educational funds to ensure they are used more efficiently. We will support the rapid development of preschool education, further increase funding for rural compulsory education, continue the project to improve the nutrition of rural students in compulsory education, and strive to shore up weak rural schools providing compulsory education. We will help to improve the conditions of regular senior secondary schools and strengthen infrastructure for vocational education, support the implementation of Project 985 and Program 2011 to promote intensive development of higher education, faithfully carry out the national policy of providing financial aid to students from poor families, and promote education equality. |
科学技术支出2529.91亿元,增长10.4%。保障国家科技重大专项顺利实施。通过“863计划”、国家科技支撑计划、公益性行业科研专项等,支持前沿技术研究、社会公益研究和重大共性关键技术研究。增加对“973计划”等的投入,加强基础研究。发挥国家科技成果转化引导基金的作用,推进区域科技创新公共服务能力建设,促进创新驱动发展。扩大科技惠民计划试点范围,加快科技成果走进基层、惠及百姓。 | The appropriation for science and technology is 252.991 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4%. This will be used to ensure the smooth implementation of major national science and technology projects, and support research on cutting-edge technologies and major generic key technologies as well as research for public benefit through Program 863, the National Key Technology R&D Program and special research projects in public service industries. We will increase investment in Program 973 and other programs aimed at strengthening basic research. We will leverage the role of the state seed fund for encouraging the application of advances in science and technology, push ahead with building capacity to provide public services for regional scientific and technological innovation, and promote innovation-driven development. The pilot program on using science and technology to benefit the people will be carried out in more areas, and efforts to bring scientific and technological advances within the reach of ordinary people at the community level will be accelerated. |
文化体育与传媒支出540.54亿元,增长9.3%。深入推进博物馆等公益性文化设施免费开放。加强基层公共文化服务体系建设。大力支持红色文化资源、文物保护重点工程、水下文化遗产和大遗址文物保护。强化重点媒体国际传播能力建设,支持文化产业发展,鼓励文化产品和服务出口。加强全民健身设施建设,启动体育场馆免费或低收费开放。 | The appropriation for culture, sports, and media is 54.054 billion yuan, up 9.3%. More public cultural facilities such as museums will be opened to the public free of charge and public cultural services at the community level will be improved. We will provide strong support to protecting cultural resources related to the early history of the CPC, key cultural artifacts, underwater cultural heritage, and major cultural and historical sites. The international broadcasting capabilities of key media will be enhanced, and we will support the development of cultural industries and encourage exports of cultural products and services. More public fitness facilities will be built, and stadiums and gymnasiums will be opened to the public free of charge or at low prices. |
医疗卫生支出2602.53亿元,增长27.1%。提高新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险的财政补助标准,由每人每年240元提高到280元。扩大城乡居民大病保险试点,巩固完善基本药物制度和基层医疗卫生机构运行新机制,加快公立医院改革。将城乡居民基本公共卫生服务经费标准由每人每年25元提高到30元,扩大部分服务项目覆盖面。继续实施重大公共卫生服务项目。扩大城乡医疗救助范围,加强对特殊困难人员的医疗救助。加强食品药品安全监管能力建设,保护群众合法权益。 | The appropriation for medical and health care stands at 260.253 billion yuan, up 27.1%. We will raise per capita government subsidies for the new type of rural cooperative medical care system and basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents from 240 yuan to 280 yuan per year. We will extend the pilot program to insure urban and rural residents against major diseases to cover more areas, consolidate and improve the system of basic drugs and the new mechanism for running community-level medical and health care institutions, and accelerate reforms in public hospitals. We will raise annual per capita spending on basic public health services from 25 yuan to 30 yuan, and extend the coverage of certain services. We will continue supporting the implementation of major public health service projects, expand the scope of medical assistance, and offer more medical aid to people with special difficulties. In addition, the oversight of food and drug safety will be enhanced to protect people's legitimate rights and interests. |
社会保障和就业支出6550.81亿元,增长13.9%。按照10%左右的标准继续提高企业退休人员基本养老金水平。巩固新型农村和城镇居民社会养老保险制度全覆盖成果。适当提高城乡居民最低生活保障水平,对中央财政补助地区继续分别按照月人均15元和12元增加补助。调整优抚对象等人员抚恤和生活补助标准。继续对城乡低保对象等困难群众发放春节生活补贴。进一步完善社会救助体系,保障受灾群众基本生活。加大就业政策扶持力度,支持做好重点群体就业工作。 | The appropriation for social security and employment is 655.081 billion yuan, up 13.9%. We will further raise the basic pension benefits of enterprise retirees by around 10%, and consolidate past achievements in securing full coverage of the new old-age pension system for rural residents and the old-age pension system for non-working urban residents. We will increase subsistence allowances at an appropriate rate and raise per capita monthly benefits for urban and rural recipients by a further 15 yuan and 12 yuan, respectively, in areas that receive subsidies from the central government. We will adjust subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups, and continue to give out Spring Festival subsidies to needy people, including subsistence allowance recipients. We will further improve the social assistance system and ensure basic living conditions of disaster victims. We will increase policy support for employment and lend key groups a helping hand in finding jobs. |
住房保障支出2229.91亿元,比上年预算数增长5.3%,比上年执行数下降14.3%,主要是上年预算执行中通过调整支出结构一次性增加了对城镇保障性安居工程和配套基础设施建设以及农村危房改造的投入,同时2013年保障性安居工程建设任务量减少。按照年度建设任务计算,财政投入力度加大,资金安排重点向公共租赁住房、棚户区改造倾斜。 | The appropriation for guaranteeing adequate housing is 222.991 billion yuan, up 5.3% over the budgeted figure and down 14.3% from the actual figure mainly due to a one-off additional investment in building government-subsidized housing and supporting infrastructure in urban areas as well as renovating dilapidated rural homes made while adjusting the spending structure during budget implementation last year. This amount is also based on the consideration that there will be fewer government-subsidized housing projects in 2013. If calculated based on the number of housing projects that will be built this year, however, government investment is actually increasing. Priority will be given to investing in the construction of public rental housing and the renovation of rundown areas. |
农林水事务支出6195.88亿元,比上年预算数增长12.8%,比上年执行数增长3.3%,主要是上年预算执行中通过调整支出结构一次性增加了重大水利工程和农田水利设施建设、小型病险水库和中小河流治理等方面的投入。提高小型农田水利重点县建设水平并扩大覆盖面,加强中小河流治理、小型病险水库除险加固和山洪灾害防治。健全农资综合补贴政策,稳定农作物良种补贴政策。增加农机购置补贴规模,提高农业机械化水平。扩大农业保险保费补贴覆盖范围,适当提高部分险种补贴比例。实施种业等重大农业科技工程,推广防灾减灾稳产增产关键技术,促进农业科技成果转化。推动现代农业生产和农民专业合作组织发展,支持农业生产经营体制创新和社会化服务组织建设。增加农业综合开发投入,以粮食主产区和产粮大县为重点,继续改造中低产田、建设高标准农田,加快中型灌区节水配套改造。健全草原生态保护补助奖励政策,支持草原生态保护后续产业发展。进一步完善森林生态效益补偿制度并提高补偿标准。完善财政综合扶贫政策,支持贫困地区培育特色优势产业。扎实开展村级公益事业建设一事一议财政奖补,加强对已建成项目的后续管护。扩大国有农场办社会职能改革和农村综合改革示范试点范围。 | The appropriation for agriculture, forestry, and water conservancy is 619.588 billion yuan, up 12.8% over last year's budgeted figure and 3.3% over last year's actual figure. The disparity between the budgeted and actual figures for last year was primarily due to a one-off increase in investment in building major water conservancy projects and irrigation and water conservancy facilities, reinforcing small dilapidated reservoirs, and cleaning up and improving the flood defenses of small and medium-sized rivers, which was made by adjusting the spending structure in the course of budget implementation. This year's appropriation will be used to improve small irrigation and water conservancy facilities in key counties and extend the project to more counties, strengthen the flood defenses of small and medium-sized rivers, reinforce small dilapidated reservoirs, and prevent and control disasters from mountain torrents. We will improve the policy of providing general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies, continue the policy on providing subsidies for superior crop varieties, and increase subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery to further mechanize China's agriculture. We will expand coverage of subsidies for agricultural insurance premiums and raise subsidies for some types of insurance. We will provide funds for carrying out major agricultural science and technology projects in the seed industry and other industries, spreading key technologies for preventing and mitigating natural disasters and for ensuring stable grain output and further increasing it, and promoting the application of scientific and technological advances in agriculture. We will assist in boosting development of modern agricultural production and specialized farmer cooperatives, and support innovations in agricultural production and operation systems and the development of commercial organizations that provide agricultural services. We will increase investment in overall agricultural development, and with the focus on major grain-producing areas and counties, continue to support the upgrading of low- and medium-yield cropland to high-yield standards as well as the upgrading of water-saving equipment in medium-sized irrigated areas. We will improve the policy on subsidies and awards for grassland ecological conservation and support development of replacement industries, further refine the compensation system for growing and managing forests that bring ecological benefits and increase compensation, improve the comprehensive fiscal policy for poverty alleviation and support poor areas in developing industries with unique features and advantages, and continue to implement the government award and subsidy system for village-level public works projects and strengthen management and maintenance of completed projects. We will extend the pilot reform to relieve state-owned farms of social services and the demonstrations and trials on comprehensive rural reform. |
节能环保支出2101.27亿元,比上年预算数增长18.8%,比上年执行数增长5.1%,主要是上年预算执行中通过调整支出结构一次性增加了建筑节能、城镇污水处理设施配套管网建设等方面的投入。加大对大气污染治理的支持力度,创新综合治理机制,明确治理责任,完善相关制度。推进重点节能工程建设,推广先进环保产品,促进环境服务业发展。加大节能产品惠民工程实施力度,加快推广电机、风机、水泵等5类工业节能产品。推动重点流域水污染防治、污水管网建设及设施运行,加强水质良好湖泊生态环境保护,促进解决群众饮水安全问题。开展重金属污染综合防治示范,启动新一轮农村环境集中连片整治。加强国家“城市矿产”示范基地建设,促进餐厨废弃物无害化处理和资源化利用,扩大园区循环化改造试点范围。继续实施天然林保护二期工程,巩固退耕还林成果并提高部分项目补助标准。支持新能源汽车科技研发和产业化发展,加快发展新能源、可再生能源和清洁能源。 | The appropriation for energy conservation and environmental protection is 210.127 billion yuan, an increase of 18.8% over last year's budgeted figure and 5.1% over the actual figure. The disparity between the budgeted and actual figures for last year was mainly due to a one-off additional investment in improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings and laying sewers to complement urban sewage treatment facilities when we adjusted the spending structure during budget implementation last year. Support for controlling air pollution will be increased to make innovations in mechanisms for comprehensive treatment, clearly define responsibilities, and refine related rules and regulations. We will lend impetus to building key energy conservation projects, help spread the use of advanced environmentally-friendly products, and boost the development of the environmental services industry. Efforts to promote energy-saving products that benefit the people will be intensified, and the work on spreading the use of five categories of energy-efficient industrial products, including electric motors, draught fans, and water pumps, will be accelerated. We will promote the prevention and control of water pollution in key watersheds as well as the construction and operation of sewer networks, help strengthen ecological conservation in lakes with good water quality, and encourage efforts to resolve the issue of safe drinking water. Demonstrations of comprehensive prevention and control of heavy metal pollution will be carried out, and another round of environmental cleanup in contiguous rural areas will be launched. We will strengthen development of national demonstration centers for recovering mineral resources from city waste, promote harmless disposal of kitchen waste and recovery of resources from it, and extend trials on upgrading industrial parks to make their operations more circular. We will provide funds to continue implementing the second phase of the project to protect virgin forests and consolidate past achievements in returning cultivated land to forests while increasing subsidies for some of these projects. We will support R&D on and the industrial application of new-energy vehicle technologies and accelerate the development of new, renewable, and clean energy. |
交通运输支出3973.86亿元,增长0.1%。支持公共交通基础设施建设。继续对城市公交、农村客运等公益性行业给予油价补贴。支持地方取消政府还贷二级公路收费。 | The appropriation for transportation is 397.386 billion yuan, up 0.1%. These funds will be used to support construction of public transportation infrastructure, continue to provide fuel subsidies for public transportation and other public service industries, and provide subsidies to local governments to phase out tolls on government-financed Grade II highways. |
国防支出7201.68亿元,增长10.7%。加强军队机械化和信息化建设,支持改善部队官兵工作生活条件,推进国防和军队建设,维护国防安全。 | The appropriation for national defense is 720.168 billion yuan, an increase of 10.7%. Funds will be used to support efforts to make the armed forces more mechanized and information-based, improve the working and living conditions of service personnel, and strengthen national defense and the military so as to safeguard national security. |
公共安全支出2029.37亿元,增长7.9%。健全政法经费保障机制,加强贫困地区政法机关能力建设,支持开展法律援助。 | The appropriation for public security is 202.937 billion yuan, up 7.9%. This will be used to improve the mechanism for ensuring funding for primary-level procuratorial, judicial, and public security departments, strengthen the capacity of these departments in poor areas, and support the provision of legal assistance. |
一般公共服务支出1350.58亿元,增长1.5%,增幅较低主要是落实中央有关规定,从严控制一般性支出,严格控制行政机关公用经费和项目支出。 | Expenditure on general public services will come to 135.058 billion yuan, up 1.5%. The main reason for this relatively small increase is the need to abide by relevant regulations of the central leadership and strictly limit regular spending as well as overheads and project outlays of administrative bodies. |
3.中央对地方税收返还和转移支付安排情况。 | 3. Central government tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments |
中央对地方税收返还和转移支付48857亿元,增长7.7%。其中:一般性转移支付24538.35亿元,增长14.3%;专项转移支付19265.86亿元,增长2.5%。在一般性转移支付中,均衡性转移支付9812.25亿元,增长14.3%(其中:县级基本财力保障机制奖补资金1525亿元,增长41.9%;重点生态功能区转移支付423亿元,增长14%;产粮大县奖励资金318.25亿元,增长15%),革命老区、民族和边境地区转移支付621.9亿元,增长11.2%。 | Central government tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments will reach 4.8857 trillion yuan, up 7.7%. Of this amount, general transfer payments will account for 2.453835 trillion yuan, up 14.3%, and special transfer payments will account for 1.926586 trillion yuan, up 2.5%. General transfer payments designed to equalize access to basic public services will reach 981.225 billion yuan, up 14.3%, which includes 152.5 billion yuan in awards and subsidies for implementing the mechanism to ensure basic funding for county-level governments, up 41.9%; 42.3 billion yuan for key ecological zones, up 14%; and 31.825 billion yuan in awards to major grain-producing counties, up 15%. General transfer payments to old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, and border areas will total 62.19 billion yuan, up 11.2%. |
4.中央预算稳定调节基金情况。 | 4. Overview of the central budget stabilization fund |
2012年初预算调入使用2700亿元后,中央预算稳定调节基金余额为1069.78亿元;执行中用超收收入补充184.15亿元后,年底余额为1253.93亿元。2013年初预算调入使用1000亿元后,剩余253.93亿元。 | The central budget stabilization fund had a balance of 106.978 billion yuan after the transfer of 270 billion yuan to the budget at the beginning of 2012, and it was replenished with surplus revenue of 18.415 billion yuan during implementation of the budget, leaving a balance of 125.393 billion yuan at the end of the year. Following the transfer of 100 billion yuan to the budget in early 2013, 25.393 billion yuan remains. |
汇总以上各项支出,2013年中央财政用在与人民群众生活直接相关的教育、医疗卫生、社会保障和就业、保障性安居工程、文化方面的支出安排合计15712.5亿元,比上年预算数增长13.5%,比上年执行数增长9.6%;用在公共交通运输、节能环保、城乡社区事务等方面与人民群众生活密切相关的支出安排合计17150.03亿元。中央财政用于“三农”的支出安排合计13799亿元,增长11.4%。其中:支持农业生产支出5426.83亿元,对农民的粮食直补、农资综合补贴、农作物良种补贴、农机购置补贴支出1700.55亿元,促进农村教育、卫生等社会事业发展支出6051.12亿元,农产品储备费用和利息等支出620.5亿元。中央对地方税收返还和一般性转移支付大部分也将用于保障改善民生和“三农”方面。 | An analysis of the above expenditures shows that in 2013 the central government will spend a total of 1.57125 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.5% over the budgeted figure and 9.6% over the actual figure, in areas that directly affect people's lives, namely education, medical and health care, social security, employment, government-subsidized housing, and culture. Central government spending on public transportation, energy conservation, environmental protection, community affairs, and other areas closely related to people's lives will amount to 1.715003 trillion yuan. Appropriations from the central budget for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers will total 1.3799 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.4%. This figure consists of 542.683 billion yuan used to support agricultural production; 170.055 billion yuan in direct subsidies to grain growers, general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies, and subsidies for purchasing superior crop varieties and agricultural machinery; 605.112 billion yuan for the development of rural education, health care, and other social programs; and 62.05 billion yuan for expenses related to stockpiling agricultural products and associated interest payments. Most central government tax rebates and general transfer payments to local governments will also be used to maintain and improve the quality of people's lives and benefit agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. |
需要说明的是,民生和“三农”支出不是单独的预算科目,为了便于审议,将与民生和“三农”相关的支出项目综合反映出来,因而存在一些交叉重复。 | It should be noted that spending on improving quality of life and on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers does not constitute a single budgetary item. For ease of deliberation, we have combined all spending items concerned, so there is some overlap in the statement of expenditures. |
(四)政府性基金预算安排情况。 | 4. Budgets for Government-managed Funds |
中央政府性基金收入3619.13亿元,增长9.2%。加上上年结转收入781.02亿元,中央政府性基金收入总量为4400.15亿元。中央政府性基金支出4400.15亿元,增长31.2%。其中:中央本级支出2564.01亿元,增长17.9%;对地方转移支付1836.14亿元,增长55.7%。 | Receipts of central government-managed funds will come to 361.913 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2%. Adding the 78.102 billion yuan carried forward from last year, total revenue of central government-managed funds will reach 440.015 billion yuan in 2013. Outlays of central government-managed funds will be 440.015 billion yuan, an increase of 31.2%. This figure consists of 256.401 billion yuan of central government spending, up 17.9%, and 183.614 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments, up 55.7%. |
地方政府性基金本级收入33137.02亿元,下降3.1%。其中,国有土地使用权出让收入27404.01亿元,下降3.9%。加上中央政府性基金对地方转移支付1836.14亿元,地方政府性基金收入为34973.16亿元。地方政府性基金支出34973.16亿元,增长3.2%。其中,国有土地使用权出让收入安排的支出28046.04亿元,下降1.3%。 | Revenue of funds managed by local governments will reach 3.313702 trillion yuan, down 3.1%, which includes 2.740401 trillion yuan from the sale of state-owned land use rights, down 3.9%. Adding the 183.614 billion yuan in transfer payments from central government-managed funds, total revenue of local government-managed funds will reach 3.497316 trillion yuan. Expenditure of local government-managed funds will total 3.497316 trillion yuan, up 3.2%, including 2.804604 trillion yuan of spending earmarked from proceeds of selling state-owned land use rights, down 1.3%. |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国政府性基金收入36756.15亿元,下降2%,加上上年结转收入781.02亿元,全国政府性基金收入总量为37537.17亿元;全国政府性基金支出37537.17亿元,增长4.1%。 | Combined revenue of funds managed by the central and local governments will reach 3.675615 trillion yuan, down 2%. Adding the 78.102 billion yuan carried forward from last year, revenue of government-managed funds nationwide will total 3.753717 trillion yuan. Expenditure of these funds will amount to 3.753717 trillion yuan, up 4.1%. |
(五)国有资本经营预算安排情况。 | 5. Budgets for state capital operations |
中央国有资本经营收入1011亿元,增长4.1%。加上上年结转收入72.11亿元,中央国有资本经营收入总量为1083.11亿元。中央国有资本经营支出1083.11亿元,增长16.5%。其中,调入公共财政预算用于社会保障等民生支出65亿元,增长30%。 | Revenue from the central government's state capital operations will reach 101.1 billion yuan, an increase of 4.1% over 2012. Adding the 7.211 billion yuan carried over from last year, revenue will total 108.311 billion yuan. Expenditure financed by state capital operations will come to 108.311 billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%, including 6.5 billion yuan, up 30%, transferred to the public finance budget to be spent on improving the quality of people's lives, such as social security. |
地方国有资本经营收入558.4亿元,地方国有资本经营支出558.4亿元。 | Revenue and expenditure from local government state capital operations will each amount to 55.84 billion yuan. |
汇总中央和地方预算,全国国有资本经营收入1569.4亿元,加上上年结转收入72.11亿元,全国国有资本经营收入总量为1641.51亿元;全国国有资本经营支出1641.51亿元。 | Combining central and local budgets, national revenue from state capital operations will reach 156.94 billion yuan, and adding the 7.211 billion yuan carried over from last year, total revenue is projected to be 164.151 billion yuan. Expenditure from these operations will come to the same amount. |
社会保险基金预算已试编三年,相关制度体系和管理机制逐步建立。按照全国人大的要求,我们会同人力资源社会保障部、卫生部首次正式编制了2013年全国社会保险基金预算,包括社会保险法已明确的各项基金。汇总中央和地方预算,全国社会保险基金收入32828.78亿元,比2012年预计执行数增长9.9%,其中保险费收入24663.72亿元、财政补贴收入7180.31亿元。全国社会保险基金支出27913.31亿元,比2012年预计执行数增长16.8%。本年收支结余4915.47亿元,年末滚存结余40943.1亿元。 | Budgets for social insurance funds have been compiled on a trial basis for the past three years, and relevant institutional systems and management mechanisms have been established over time. In accordance with the requirements of the NPC, we worked together with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Health to officially prepare the 2013 national budget for social insurance funds, the first of its kind in China, which includes every fund prescribed in the Social Insurance Law. Combining central and local budgets, nationwide revenue of social insurance funds will be 3.282878 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the estimated figure for 2012. This includes 2.466372 trillion yuan of insurance premiums and 718.031 billion yuan of government subsidies. Expenditure of social insurance funds will total 2.791331 trillion yuan nationwide, an increase of 16.8% over the estimated figure for 2012. This year, revenue will exceed expenditure, leaving a surplus of 491.547 billion yuan, and the year-end balance is projected to be 4.09431 trillion yuan once the balance from 2012 has been rolled over. |
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